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Hygrohypnum Lindb. Search in The Plant ListSearch in Index Nominum Genericorum (ING)Search in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Contributio ad Floram Cryptogamam Asiae Boreali-Orientalis 277. 1872[1873]. (Contr. Fl. Crypt. As.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 2/23/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 2/27/2009)
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Notes     (Last Modified On 2/27/2009)
Taxonomic Notes :


Kanda (1976) had a narrow view of Hygrohypnum, and established Pseudohygrohypnum Kanda to accommodate some species that were previously placed in Hygrohypnum. He based it on three characters, namely 1) stems leaves with two very short costae, inner perichaetial leaves sometimes without costae; 2) setae longer, 1.5–3.0 cm long; and 3) cilia well developed, 2–3(–4). Noguchi (1991) disagreed with Kanda’s view, and stated that the characters given by Kanda (1976) were not reliable features. We accept a broader concept of Hygrohypnum. Ten species and three varieties of Hygrohypnum have been recorded in China (Redfearn et al. 1996), but the Chinese records of Hygrohypnum alpinum (Lindb.) Loeske, H. luridum var. ehlei (Arn.) Wijk & Marg., H. montanum (Lindb.) Broth., H. norvegicum (Schimp.) Amann, and H. smithii (Sw.) Broth. cannot be verified at this time. Seven species and one variety are treated here.


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11. Hygrohypnum Lindb.   水灰藓属   shui hui xian shu
Contr. Fl. Crypt. As. 277. 1872. Amblystegium sect. Hygrohypnum (Lindb.) Braith., Brit. Moss Fl. 3: 17. 1896. Amblystegium subgen. Hygrohypnum (Lindb.) Lindb., Musci Scand. 33. 1879.
Plants medium-sized, usually green or yellowish green, sometimes reddish or golden yellowish, often glossy, in loosely caespitose mats. Stems slender, prostrate, denuded in older parts, sparsely branched or irregularly branched; in cross section cortical cells small, thick-walled, or hyaline, inflated; central strand weakly differentiated; pseudoparaphyllia foliose, few, or absent. Stem and branch leaves similar, spreading or imbricate, sometimes falcate-secund, somewhat concave, ovate-lanceolate or broadly ovate, rounded, apiculate or acute at apex; margins plane, entire or serrulate; costae short, double, often forked unequally, rarely single, extending above mid-leaf; median leaf cells linear-rectangular or vermicular, 30–40 μm × 5–6 μm; alar cells quadrate or rectangular, hyaline or yellowish. Autoicous, rarely dioicous. Inner perichaetial leaves elongate-lanceolate, plicate; costae single or forked. Setae reddish, curved when dry; capsules inclined or horizontal, ellipsoidal, curved, mouth constricted when dry or after dissemination; annuli differentiated; cilia (1–)2–4. Spores 16–19 μm in diameter, papillose.

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1. Costae long, single or forked, usually extending beyond 1/2 the leaf length...............2
1. Costae short, double or forked, ending shorter than 1/2 the leaf length.....................4
    2. Stems with a distinct hyalodermis; costae usually forked............. 6. H. ochraceum
    2. Stems without a hyalodermis; costae single.......................................................3
3. Branch leaves elongate ovate-lanceolate; costae shorter, just above the mid-leaf; capsules oblong-ovoid; spores smaller, 16–18 µm in diameter..........................4a. H. luridum var. luridum
3. Branch leaves shortly ovate-lanceolate; costae longer, nearly subpercurrent; capsules shortly ovoid to subglobose; spores larger, 25–30 µm in diameter................................. ........................................................................4b. H. luridum var. subsphaericarpum
   4. Stem leaves round...............................................................................5. H. molle
   4. Stem leaves oblong-ovate or lanceolate...............................................................5
5. Stem leaves oblong-ovate.....................................................................................6
5. Stem leaves lanceolate.........................................................................................7
   6. Plants green or yellowish green; stems with a central strand.............2. H. eugyrium
   6. Plants purple; stems without a central strand.............................7. H. purpurascens
7. Plants short; densely caespitose......................................................1. H. alpestre
7. Plants elongate, slender; floating................................................. 3. H. fontinaloides


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