Accepted By and Published In:
Brown, R. 1818. Characters and description of Lyellia, a new genus of mosses, with observations on the section of the order to which it belongs; and some remarks on Leptostomum and Buxbaumia. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 12: 560–583.
Accepted By:
Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova. 1983. [Konspekt flor'i mhov Mongol'skoj Narodnoj Respubliki]. Biol. Resursy Prir. Uslov. Mongol'sk. Narod. Respubl. 17: 221 pp.
Gangulee, H. C. 1972. Mosses E. India 3: pp. (xiv–xix) + xv + 567–830. Privately published, Calcutta.
Iwatsuki, Z. & A. Noguchi. 1973. Index muscorum Japonicarum. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 299–418.
Kis, G. 1985. Mosses South-east Trop. Africa 170 pp. Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vácrátót.
Magill, R. E. & E. A. C. L. E. Schelpe. 1979. The bryophytes of southern Africa: an annotated checklist. Mem. Bot. Surv. South Africa 43: 1–39.
Mahú, M. 1979. Familias y géneros de musgos Chilenos. Bryologist 82: 513–524.
Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier. 1978. Prodromus florae muscorum Polynesiae, with a key to genera. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 16: 334 pp.
Redfearn Jr., P. L. & P.-C. Wu. 1986. Catalog of the mosses of China. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 73: 177–208.

Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone. 1976. Mosses S. Australia xv + 495 pp. Academic Press, London, New York, San Francisco.