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Las Briofitas. Bolivia Ecologica 59
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Fam. Gén. Musgos Andes Trop.
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Published In: Genera of European and North American Bryineae (Mosses) 15. 1897. (Gen. Eur. N.- Amer. Bryin.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 12/3/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 12/11/2019)
Plant Category: Moss
General Reference:

Notes     (Last Modified On 12/11/2019)
general taxon notes:

Lindbergia is characterized by wide spreading leaves when wet, absence of paraphyllia, faintly to distinctly unipapillose, hexagonal-rounded to short rhombic laminal cells, erect capsules, and low endostomial basal membrane. A genus of ca. 15 species mostly of north temperate and southern African affinities. Three species are recorded for the Neotropics, one in Bolivia; Lindbergia mexicana (Besch.) Cardot.

Lindbergia se caracteriza por las hojas amplio patentes en húmedo, ausencia de paráfilos, débilmente hasta conspicuamente unipapilosos, células de la lámina hexagonal-redondeadas hasta corto-rómbicas, cápsulas erectas y membrana basal del endostoma baja. Un género de ca. 15 especies generalmente con afinidades en regiones templadas del norte y sur de África. Tres especies son registradas en el Neotrópico, una en Bolivia, Lindbergia mexicana (Besch.) Cardot.

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