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Published In: Musci Appalachiani: tickets of specimens of mosses collected mostly in the eastern part of North America 10. 1870. (Musci Appalach.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 2/17/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted

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Micromitrium Aust., Musci Appalach. 10. 1870.

Nanomitrium Lindb., Not. Sällsk. Fauna Fl. Fenn. Förh. 13: 408. 1874, nom. illeg

Plants scattered and sparse to gregarious and abundant, with sparse protonemata. Leaves shrunken and contorted when dry; ecostate or nearly so; leaf cells thin-walled, smooth. Synoicous. Capsules sessile, globose, not apiculate, dehiscing along a median line of thin-walled cells, or infrequently rupturing irregularly. Calyptrae minute, delicate, consisting of only the remains of the archegonia, persistent.

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