Molendoa Lindb., Utkast Nat. Grupp. Eur. Bladmoss. 29. 1878.
Plants small, tufted, often glaucous. Stems erect, sparsely and irregularly branched, sclerodermis and central strand present, rhizoids moderately developed below. Leaves linear-lanceolate, plane to broadly grooved, erect at base, appressed-incurved above when dry, spreading to recurved when wet, unistratose or bistratose along the margins; apices acute; margins entire, sinuolate or crenulate, plane or weakly recurved below; costa subpercurrent to percurrent, guide cells and two stereid bands present, ventral surface layer of 1–2 cells, enlarged, smooth; upper cells irregularly shaped, short-rectangular, quadrate to oblate, firm-walled, occasionally weakly porose, pluripapillose, papillae low, simple, granular, centered or scattered, occasionally fused into a single massive papilla, basal cells subrectangular, firm-walled, at times porose near costa, alar cells not differentiated. Perichaetia lateral. Setae elongate. Capsules cylindrical; stomata in neck; opercula rostrate; peristome absent. Calyptrae cucullate.