9. Rhytidiadelphus (Limpr.) Warnst. 拟垂枝藓属 ni chui zhi xian shu
Krypt.-Fl. Brandenburg, Laubm. 2: 842. 1906. Hylocomium sect. Rhytidiadelphus (Limpr.) Braith., Brit. Moss Fl. 3: 142. 1902. Hylocomium subgen. Rhytidiadelphus Limpr., Laubm. Deutschl. 3: 590. 1901.
Plants medium-sized to large, often robust, stiff, pale green to yellowish green, usually glossy, in loose patches. Secondary stems simple or irregularly 1–2-pinnately branched, sometimes hardly branched; branches short, blunt or slender, or sometimes elongate, tips of branches often attenuate, sometimes slightly curved, erect or erect-spreading; pseudoparaphyllia only on stems; rhizoids reddish brown. Leaves in several ranks, densely arranged, stem leaves usually differentiated from branch leaves; stem leaves ovate, broadly ovate-lanceolate or cordately lanceolate, squarrose-recurved or falcate-secund, plicate or not plicate; margins entire or toothed; costae double, strong, more than 1/2 the leaf length, sometimes shorter and faint; laminal cells linear, usually prorate at back; basal cells often broader and shorter, walls slightly incrassate, usually pitted, reddish brown; alar cells sometimes slightly differentiated; branch leaves usually ovate-lanceolate or rounded ovate-lanceolate, sometimes slightly falcate-secund, or squarrose, usually plicate; margins entire or serrulate; costae mostly short and weak. Dioicous. Inner perichaetial leaves smaller, scale-like, often squarrose, with a long piliform apex, usually not plicate, ecostate. Setae thin, elongate; capsules ovoid, shortly cylindrical, slightly curved, rarely with a short apophysis, inclined or horizontal, sometimes slightly pendent; opercula conic, shortly rostrate; peristome double; exostome teeth narrowly lanceolate, orange-red, trabeculate, usually a light border formed from base to middle, outer surface cross-striate, often papillose above; endostome segments yellowish brown, often perforated along median line; basal membrane high; cilia 1–3, nodulose. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth. Spores spherical, finely papillose, 11–24 µm in diameter.