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Glosario Ilustrado: Musgos
Fam. Gén. Musgos Andes Trop.
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Published In: Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 97. 1856. (Coroll. Bryol. Eur.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/26/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 3/26/2021)
Plant Category: Mosses
General Reference:
Tropicos Lookup Reference:

Notes     (Last Modified On 3/26/2021)

A family of 11 genera and fewer than 100 species, associated with tropical highlands, and extending into temperate regions of both hemispheres. The Cryphaeaceae is placed in the order Hypnales. The Andean project is represented by five genera and 18 species. Distinguishing features of the family include the rather stiffly erect or loosely pendent plants, irregularly branched secondary stems, thick-walled, oval to oblong laminal cells, well differentiated alar cells, and immersed capsules on terminal branches or appearing sessile along lateral stems. All members of this family are present in the highlands, only one species is recorded from the lowlands (Schoenobryum concavifolium), which also extends into the highlands. Geographically the diversity of species is nearly identically for the Northern Andes (14 spp.) as for the Central Andes (13 spp.). Ecoregion diversity is highest in the montane forest with 16 species; only four species are recorded from humid shrubby páramo and puna. Elevational diversity is highest between 2500-3000 meters. All of the species of Cryphaeaceae are epiphytic, rarely found on rocks or logs; only Dendrocryphaea latifolia is aquatic, found on rocks in páramo streams. Of the five genera only Cryphaea and Schoenobryum are common throughout the tropical Andes. Four of our species are considered on the “red list” as vulnerable and one, Dendropogonella as possibly regionally extinct (León 2008).


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Plants medium sized, forming loose to dense tufts. Primary stems short creeping, leaves often scale-like; radiculose. Secondary stems erect and stiff, irregularly to regularly pinnately branched, rarely pendent or lax (Dendrocryphaea); in cross-section outer cells small, thick-walled, inner cells larger, usually firm-walled, central strand absent; paraphyllia absent; pseudoparaphyllia foliose. Leaves appressed to erect or julaceous when dry, erect-spreading when wet, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, apex acute to acuminate; margins reflexed to recurved, entire to distally irregularly serrulate or serrate; costae single, strong, 1/2 to fully excurrent; apical cells oval to oblong-oval; median cells oval to elongate or rhomboidal, smooth to slightly bulging unipapillose, thick-walled; alar region differentiated, cells numerous, quadrate to short rectangular and oblate. Propagula not observed. Autoicous. Perichaetia lateral; leaves differentiated, usually conspicuously longer than stem leaves, sheathing sporophytes, oblong to obovate and awned. Setae short, smooth. Capsules immersed, erect, urn broadly ovoid to ovoid-short cylindrical or globose, symmetric to asymmetric; exothecial cells thin to thick-walled; stomata usually at urn base; annuli present, mostly revoluble; opercula conic-mammillate or-rostrate; peristome double or single, exostome teeth 16, papillose, rarely smooth below; endostome basal membrane low, segments 16, narrow, keeled and lightly papillose, cilia absent or reduced. Calyptrae cucullate or conic-mitrate, smooth or roughened. Spores spherical to ovoid, papillose.


Plantas medianas, formando manojos laxos hasta densos. Tallos primarios cortos reptantes, hojas a menudo escuamiformes; radiculosos. Tallos secundarios erectos y rígidos, ramificaciones irregular- a regularmente pinnadas, rara vez pendientes o laxas (Dendrocryphaea); células externas pequeñas en corte transversal, con paredes gruesas, células internas mayores, generalmente con paredes firmes, cordón central ausente; paráfilos ausentes; pseudoparáfilos foliosos. Hojas adpresas hasta erectas o juláceas en seco, erecto-extendidas en húmedo, ovadas hasta ovado-lanceoladas, ápices agudos hasta acuminados; márgenes reflexos hasta recurvados, enteros hasta irregularmente serrulados o serrados en la porción distal; costa simple y fuerte, parcial hasta completamente excurrente; células apicales ovales hasta oblongo-ovales; células mediales ovales hasta alargadas o rómbicas, lisas hasta escasamente abultadas unipapilosas, con paredes gruesas; región alar diferenciada, con numerosas células, cuadradas hasta corto-rectangulares y oblatas. Propágulos no observados. Autoicas. Periquecios laterales; hojas diferenciadas, por lo general conspicuamente más largas que las hojas del tallo, esporofitos envainadores, oblongos hasta obovados y aristados. Setas cortas, lisas. Cápsulas inmersas, erectas, urna anchamente ovoide hasta corto-ovoide cilíndrica o globosa, simétrica hasta asimétrica; células exoteciales con paredes  delgadas hasta gruesas; estomas generalmente en la base de la urna; anillo presente, generalmente revoluble; opérculo cónico-mamiloso o -rostrado; peristoma doble o simple, exostoma con 16 dientes, papilosos, rara vez lisos en la base; membrana basal del endostoma baja, con 16 segmentos, angostos, carinados y finamente papilosos, cilios ausentes o reducidos. Caliptra cuculada o cónico-mitrada, lisa o rugosa. Esporas esféricas hasta ovoides, papilosas.


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1. Leaf apices acute to more commonly short to long acuminate, margins entire or dentate to sharply serrate distally; capsules ovoid, ovoid-cylindrical to elliptical; plants epiphytic … 2.
2. Sporophytes laterally along branches; stems erect … 3.
2. Sporophytes terminal on secondary branches and stems; stems pendent or erect to spreading … 4.
3. Urn broadly ovoid to narrowly ellipsoid; exostome teeth papillose throughout … Cryphaea
3. Urn ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid; exostome teeth smooth at base, papillose distally … Sphaerotheciella
4. Stems spreading to erect; peristome single, teeth papillose … Schoenobryum
4. Stems pendent; peristome double, teeth smooth … Dendropogonella
1. Apices foliares agudo-redondeados, márgenes enteros, o finamente crenulados por proyección de las papilas; cápsulas globosas; plantas acuáticas, sobre rocas … Dendrocryphaea
1. Ápices foliares agudos a más comúnmente corto- a largo-acuminados, márgenes enteros o dentados a fuertemente aserrados distalmente; cápsulas ovoides, ovoide-cilíndricas a elípticas; plantas epífitas … 2.
2. Esporofitos laterales a lo largo de las ramas; tallos erectos … 3.
2. Esporofitos terminales sobre ramas secundarias y tallos; tallos péndulos o erectos a extendidos … 4.
3. Urna anchamente ovoide a angostamente elipsoide; dientes del exostoma totalmente papilosos … Cryphaea
3. Urna elipsoide a anchamente elipsoide; dientes del exostoma lisos en la base, papilosos distalmente … Sphaerotheciella
4. Tallos extendidos a erectos; peristoma simple, dientes papilosos … Schoenobryum
4. Tallos péndulos; peristoma doble, dientes … Dendropogonella
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