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Published In: Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 102. 1856. (Coroll. Bryol. Eur.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 2/20/2009)
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Project Data     (Last Modified On 3/27/2009)
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Notes     (Last Modified On 3/27/2009)
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Brotherus (1925) treated four subfamilies and 16 genera in this family. P.-C. Chen et al. (1978) recognized three subfamilies and 8 genera in China. In this treatment, we include 10 genera in the Fabroniaceae. 


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碎米藓科 sui-mi xian ke
by Gao Chien and Fu Xing
Plants soft or slender, yellowish green or bright green, mostly glossy. Stems creeping, 1– 2 irregularly pinnately branched, branches erect patent; in cross section central strand absent, cortex consisting of thin-walled cells, epidermal cells slightly thick-walled; rhizoids red, growing on stems; paraphyllia rare. Leaves dense, appressed when dry, erect-spreading when moist, rarely secund, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, slightly concave, not plicate, mostly long-acuminate at apex, decurrent at base; margins plane, entire or serrate or ciliate; costa single, short and weak, rarely absent; leaf cells mostly rectangular, smooth, thin-walled; alar cells quadrate or flat quadrate. Dioicous or monoicous. Female inflorescences growing on lateral branches, paraphyses linear or not developed, regularly arranged. Inner perichaetial leaves similar to stem leaves, rarely sheathing at base, ciliate at apex. Setae slender and elongate; capsules exserted, erect, ovoid or cylindrical, apophysis short and thick, wrinkled when dry, constricted near mouth; exothecial cells lax, thin-walled, stomata on apophysis; annuli persistent, rarely deciduous; peristome deeply inserted in capsule mouth, single or double; exostome teeth in pair, lanceolate, loosely striate, without lamellae inside, rarely exostome absent; endostome segments narrowly lanceolate or absent; basal membrane low or high; opercula conic, obtuse or rostrate. Calyptrae small, cucullate, smooth, rarely remotely ciliate. Spores minute.

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1. Plants rather stout, not glossy or somewhat glossy, regularly pinnately branched; leaf cells short, hexagonal or elliptic, alar cells inconspicuous, subquadrate................................................................................................. 2
1. Plants rather delicate, glossy, irregularly pinnately branched; leaf cells rather large, rhomboidal, alar cells conspicuous, in several rows of rectangular cells................................................................................................. 4
2. Leaves without costa........................................................................................................ 10. Schwetschkeopsis
2. Leaves with single costa, ending above midleaf................................................................................................ 3
3. Exostome teeth densely striate................................................................................................... 4. Helicodontium
3. Exostome teeth papillose.............................................................................................................. 9. Schwetschkea
4. Leaves ecostate or costa inconspicuous; peristome double, endostome very rudimentary.......................... 5
4. Leaves single costate; peristome single layer or absent or double, endostome relatively well developed. 6
5. Leaves shortly piliferous; endostome segments virtually lacking................................................... 3. Habrodon
5. Leaves long piliferous; endostome rudimentary............................................................................ 5. Iwatsukiella
6. Peristome single or absent.................................................................................................................................. 7
6. Peristome double................................................................................................................................................. 8
7. Leaf margins serrate or ciliate............................................................................................................. 2. Fabronia
7. Leaf margins mostly entire, only serrulate at apex........................................................................... 7. Levierella
8. Leaf margins involute, serrate near leaf apex....................................................................................... 8. Rozea
8. Leaf margins plane, entire................................................................................................................................... 9
9. Exostome teeth widely lanceolate, papillose; endostome segments linear........................... 1. Anacamptodon
9. Exostome teeth narrowly lanceolate, striate; endostome segments keeled............................. 6. Juratzkaeella
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