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Glosario Ilustrado: Musgos
Fam. Gén. Musgos Andes Trop.
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Published In: Corollarium Bryologiae Europaeae 109. 1856. (Coroll. Bryol. Eur.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 12/15/2012)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 3/26/2021)
Plant Category: Mosses
General Reference:
Tropicos Lookup Reference:

Notes     (Last Modified On 3/26/2021)

A family of 21 genera and about 160 species, placed in the order Hypnales. The Leskeaceae is primarily distributed in the temperate and semi-arid regions, extending into the tropical montane. The Thuidiaceae and Leskeaceae are closely related and may be recognized as a single family, the Leskeaceae, as treated by Allen (2018) for Central America. There are in the Andean project seven genera and 11 species recorded. The Leskeaceae may be characterized by the mostly slender plants, absence or presence of paraphyllia, ovate to ovate-lanceolate leaves, oval to oblong-oval or rarely linear-fusiform median cells that are smooth or unipapillose, well differentiated alar region with cells mostly quadrate, erect or rarely horizontal capsules, and double peristome with the exostome often striate below and papillose above, and endostome basal membrane generally low, slender segments and cilia often reduced or absent. The family is typically associated with ecoregions that include the shrubby páramo and puna, and open forested montane. The majority of species are found between 2000-4000 m, with the highest diversity found at 3000-3500 m. All 11 species occur as epiphytes on shrubs and trees, seven of these species however are also terrestrial, found on soil and rocks.

Study Guide. Stems should be examined with some leaves removed to observe whether paraphyllia are absent or present, shape of leaves, and whether the laminal cells are smooth or papillose; sporophytes are useful to determine if the capsules are erect or curved, and the ornamentation of the outer exostome surface, and whether the endostome is complete or reduced.


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Plants small, forming loose to dense mats, dark green to yellowish or golden-brown. Stems course and stiff to rather lax and soft, irregularly to regularly pinnately branched; central strand present, weak; paraphyllia absent or present and simple or branched. Leaves mostly ovate-lanceolate, plicate, apex short to long acuminate; margins often reflexed below, plane above, serrulate or dentate above base; costae single, ca. 2/3 lamina length, distally strong or weak; median cells oval to oblong-oval and smooth or indistinctly projecting at upper cell angle, or cells isodiametric and unipapillose, papillae confined to back; alar region differentiated, cells subquadrate, usually numerous. Autoicous. Perichaetia lateral; leaves usually differentiated, long lanceolate. Seta elongate, smooth, often twisted. Capsule erect or inclined to horizontal, urn cylindrical and ± symmetric or ovoid-short cylindrical, asymmetric and curved; opercula conic or conic-short rostrate; peristome double, exostome teeth 16, mostly cross-striate and papillose at tips or nearly papillose throughout but cross-striate near base; endostome well developed or variously reduced, basal membrane low or absent. Calyptra cucullate, smooth and naked. Spores spherical, lightly to rather coarsely papillose.

Plantas pequeñas formando tapices laxos a densos, verde oscuras a amarillentas o pardo-doradas. Tallos ásperos y rígidos a más bien laxos y suaves, irregularmente a regularmente pinnados; cordón central presente, tenue; paráfilos ausentes o presentes y simples o ramificados. Hojas mayormente ovado-lanceoladas, plegadas, ápice corto a largo acuminado; márgenes generalmente reflexos abajo, planos arriba, serrulados o dentados abajo arriba de la base; costa simple, aprox. 2/3 del largo de la lámina, gruesa o tenue distalmente; células mediales ovales a oblongo-ovales y lisas o proyectándose indistintamente en los ángulos superiores de las células, o células isodiamétricas y unipapilosas, papilas confinadas al dorso; región alar diferenciada, células subcuadradas, usualmente numerosas. Autoicas. Periquecios laterales; hojas usualmente diferenciadas, largo lanceoladas. Seta alargada, lisa, generalmente retorcida. Cápsula erecta o inclinada a horizontale, urna cilíndrica y ± simétrica u corto- ovoide cilíndrica, asimétrica y curvada; opérculo cónico o corto-cónico rostrado; peristoma doble, dientes del exostoma 16, mayormente estriados transversalmente y papilosos en los ápices o casi totalmente papilosos, pero estriados transversalmente cerca de la base; endostoma bien desarrollado o variadamente reducido, membrana basal baja o ausente. Caliptra cuculada, lisa y desnuda. Esporas esféricas, ligeramente a más bien ásperamente papilosas.


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1. Costa forked distally, ca. 1/3 of total costa length, occasionally a few leaves of the same stem or branch also with costa single or forked at base; laminal cells obscurely and minutely pluripapillose … Leptopterigynandrum

1. Costa single, mostly more than 1/2 leaf length, occasionally spurred below; laminal cells smooth or unipapillose … 2.

2. Laminal cells smooth; paraphyllia absent … 3.

2. Laminal cells unipapillose; paraphyllia present … 5.

3. Leaf margins recurved to near apex; median cells elongate, fusiform to linear-fusiform … Rozea

3. Leaf margins plane or recurved at base; median cells short oblong to oval … 4.

4. Leaves mostly erect-spreading when wet, lanceolate to long ovate-lanceolate; cells oblong … Leskeadelphus

4. Leaves wide-spreading when wet, short ovate-lanceolate; cells nearly isodiameteric … Lindbergia

5. Capsules inclined, curved, strongly asymmetric; endostomial basal membrane high; leaves when wet erect … Haplocladium

5. Capsules erect, symmetric; endostomial basal membrane low … 6.

6. Plants regularly pinnate (or weakly bipinnate); leaves ovate, plications mostly extending to midleaf; exostome papillose (and not border); endostome with segments lightly papillose, basal membrane reduced or absent, cilia absent … Leskea

6. Plants irregularly bipinnate; leaves broadly ovate to suborbicular, plications mostly extending above midleaf; exostome with a hyaline border, median region papillose; endostome segments hyaline, short basal membrane with reduced cilia ... Pseudoleskea

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