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Published In: Botanisches Centralblatt 76: 85. 1898. (Bot. Centralbl.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 12/20/2012)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 12/16/2011)
General Reference:
Contributor: Jia, Yu

Notes     (Last Modified On 12/16/2011)
general taxon notes:
Following Noguchi (1937), P.-C. Chen et al. (1978) placed Horikawaea Nog. in the Phyllogoniaceae. This placement is followed here. Recently, Goffinet et al. (2009) recognized only one genus, Phyllogonium Brid., in this family and placed Horikawaea in the Pterobryaceae.


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带藓科  dai xian ke
by Jia Yu
Plants usually rigid, yellowish green, glossy, in loose mats. Primary stems slender, elongate, prostrate, with scale-like leaves; rhizoids at the base; secondary stems without rhizoids, simple or irregularly branched, leafy branches strongly complanate; a central strand absent; paraphyllia none; pseudoparaphyllia often present, filamentous. Leaves clearly arranged in 2 ranks, elongate-ovate or elongate-lingulate, strongly concave; margins plane, usually entire; costae short, weak, single or forked, or absent; leaf cells narrowly rhomboidal, smooth, thin-walled. Gemmae sometimes present, multicellular. Dioicous. Perichaetia and perigonia terminal on lateral branches. Perichaetial leaves differentiated, smaller than vegetative leaves. Setae very short or elongate; capsules immersed, emergent, or exserted, ovoid, erect, light brown or brown, apophyses not or slightly differentiated; opercula large, conic, shortly straight-rostrate or obliquely long rostrate; annuli not differentiated; peristome single or double, prostome sometimes present; exostome teeth narrowly lanceolate, trabeculate and irregularly perforate on the outside; endostome segments rudimentary or reduced. Calyptrae large, mitrate or cucullate, with numerous long hairs. Spores spherical, in various sizes, finely papillose.

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Only one genus, Horikawaea, is known from China.

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