!Dendropogonella rufescens (Schimp.) E. Britton Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Literature Based Distribution
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Mapping will be based on a standard reference mark based on political units when available.
Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
BrazilManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
Costa RicaBowers, F. D.1974The mosses reported from Costa RicaBryologist77: 150–171
Costa RicaBowers, F. D.1970High elevation mosses of Costa RicaJ. Hattori Bot. Lab.33: 7–35
Costa RicaSan JoséManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
GuatemalaEl ProgresoBartram, E. B.1949Mosses of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.25: 442 pp
GuatemalaEl ProgresoManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
GuatemalaHuehuetenangoBartram, E. B.1949Mosses of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.25: 442 pp
GuatemalaHuehuetenangoManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
GuatemalaQuetzaltenangoManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
GuatemalaSan MarcosManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
GuatemalaSan MarcosBartram, E. B.1949Mosses of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.25: 442 pp
GuatemalaTotonicapánBartram, E. B.1949Mosses of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.25: 442 pp
GuatemalaTotonicapánManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
MexicoChiapasManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
MexicoOaxacaManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
MexicoOaxacaDelgadillo Moya, C. & Á. Cárdenas Soriano2011Bryophyta (Musci)Divers. Floríst. Oaxaca137–148, color photos on pp. 65–66
MexicoPueblaManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
MexicoVeracruzManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
VenezuelaDependencias FederalesManuel, M. G.1973Studies in Cryphaeaceae II. A review of the monotypic genus Dendropogonella Britt.Bryologist76: 521–527
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