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!Philonotis elongata (Dism.) H.A. Crum & Steere Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: The Bryologist 59: 251. 1956. (Bryologist) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/7/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project data     (Last Modified On 3/7/2011)

Philonotis elongata is a slender, delicate moss with well-spaced, narrow, slenderly acuminate, often spreading leaves. Its long stems are laxly ascending to loosely prostrate giving the plants an aspect unlike any other Central American Philonotis. Philonotis uncinata is similar to P. elongata in having percurrent to short excurrent costae, but it differs from P. elongata in its  stiffly erect, shorter, broader leaves that have bluntly serrate margins, lax leaf cells, and basal cells near the costa that are distinctly enlarged. Leiomela bartramioides is somewhat similar to some narrow-leafed expressions of P. elongata (see e.g., Gómez 4591, MO) in its well-spaced, spreading, linear leaves. It differs from P. elongata in having longer leaves (5–8 mm), linear basal leaf cells, plane leaf margins, long-capillary pointed perichaetial leaves, and immersed capsules.

Illustrations: Crum and Steere (1957, Fig. 30); Sharp et al. (1994, Fig. 424); Churchill and Linares (1995, Fig. 13 e–g); Allen (1999a, Fig. 2 A–D). Fig. 204 A–D.
Habitat: On soil banks, rocks and boulders (limestone); 200–2200 m.
Distribution in Central America: GUATEMALA. Alta Verapaz: Steyermark 44392 (F); Petén: Lundell 2818 (NY, US); Quezaltenango: Steyermark 35163 (F); Suchitepéquez: Standley 62177 (F). HONDURAS. Cortés: Allen 14335a (MO, TEFH); Lempira: Allen 11149 (MO, TEFH); Olancho: Allen 12557B (MO, TEFH). COSTA RICA. Alajuela: Crosby 9978 (CR, MO); Guanacaste: Standley & Valerio 45396 (NY, US); Puntarenas: [Cocos Island] Gómez 4591 (MO). PANAMA. Bocas del Toro: Allen 5727 (MO).
World Range: Mexico; Central America; Caribbean, Western South America, Brazil.


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Philonotis elongata (Dism.) Crum & Steere, Bryologist 59: 251. 1956.

Philonotis sphaericarpa var. elongata Dism., Mém. Soc. Bot. France 17: 14. 1910. Protologue: Ecuador and Peru. Équateur. – Quito (Spruce, 420). Pérou. – Banos (Spruce 424).

Philonotis tenella var. elongata Dism. ex Crum & Steere, Bryologist 59: 251. 1956, invalid name, error for P. sphaericarpa var. elongata.

Plants delicate, medium-sized, in loose, yellowish green or green, often glossy tufts or mats, laxly ascending to prostrate, to 30 mm high. Stems red; rhizoids at base, reddish brown, smooth to lightly roughened. Leaves 0.8–1.4 mm long, erect to erect-spreading, sometimes secund when dry, erect-spreading to spreading, straight or secund when wet, narrowly lanceolate; apices long-acuminate; margins narrowly revolute, doubly serrate; costa percurrent to short-excurrent; cells papillose, papillae at upper cell ends, upper cells rectangular, subrectangular to subquadrate, firm‑walled, 12–17(–42) x 5–7 μm, basal cells rectangular, to 25 x 7–10 μm, alar cells quadrate. Dioicous. Perigonia gemmiform, terminal. Setae 7–15 mm long, red. Capsules 1–2 mm long, brown, ovoid, inclined; exothecial cells thin-walled; opercula 0.5 mm long, conic‑mammillate; peristome double, exostome teeth red, outer surface densely and thickly papillose above, finely and evenly papillose below, trabeculae thin, inner surface smooth, trabeculae thick, endostome yellow, evenly papillose throughout, basal membrane short, segments broad, each segment split along the median line and each half diverging toward the cilia, cilia 1–3, short, stout. Spores reniform, 20–25 μm, papillose.



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