Plants small in dull, dark green mats. Primary stems creeping, irregularly branched; leaves reduced,
0.4 mm long, well spaced, scale-like, oblong-ligulate from an ovate base, wide-spreading to
squarrose at tips, cells more or less smooth below, densely papillose above; rhizoids red brown, in
clusters at abaxial side of leaf insertions, not or weakly and irregularly branched. Secondary stems
erect-ascending, to 2 cm long, irregularly branched; cross section with sclerodermis of 2–5 rows of
small, red brown, thick-walled cells, cortical cells enlarged, yellow to hyaline, firm- or thick-walled,
central strand absent; paraphyllia and pseudoparaphyllia absent. Secondary stem leaves erect-imbricate
when dry, spreading to widely spreading, complanate when wet, oblong-ligulate from an ovate base,
0.8–1.4 mm long, rounded to rounded-obtuse, not apiculate, at base one side narrow, margins broadly
incurved, the other side wide, margins plane, weakly decurrent; margins papillose-crenulate; costae
single, ending well below the apex, yellow, often branched above, channeled on ventral surface, upper
dorsal costal cells elongate, often seriate papillose, in cross section cells homogeneous, thick-walled;
juxtacostal cells in lower part of leaf bistratose, upper cells unistratose with occasional, scattered
bistratose patches, quadrate, oblate, or irregularly hexagonal, 5–10 μm, densely pluripapillose by
thick, branched, or C-shaped papillae, juxtacostal cells near the insertion on one side short-rectangular,
quadrate, or oblate, 4–10 papillose, on the other long-rectangular, to 20 μm long, smooth, not porose.
Dioicous. Sporophytes unknown.