Plants yellow-brown above, red-brown below. Stems often branched, up to 2 cm long; rhizoids smooth or roughened. Leaves larger toward the stem tip, when dry erect-incurved or ± spreading, usually twisted, when moist spreading at 45¡ above an erect base, plane or broadly concave, 1.5-2.5(-3.2) mm long, oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, acute or broadly acute, the base oblong to ovate and sheathing, often narrowly long-decurrent; margins recurved in the lower 3/4 or to the apex, entire or 1-3(-5)-toothed near the tip; costa percurrent or ending 1-4 cells below the apex, covered ventrally by quadrate to short-rectangular cells; upper cells subquadrate, (9-)12-14 µm wide; basal cells rectangular throughout the sheathing base, those in 1-4 marginal rows often narrow, the inner cells yellow, smooth but bulging, usually 15-22 µm wide and 3-4:1. Synoicous or paroicous. Setae 7-15 mm long; capsules (0.8-)1.5-2 mm long, cylindric above a distinct neck; annulus revoluble to deciduous in parts, of 1-2 rows of vesiculose cells; operculum 0.6-0.8 mm long, obliquely rostrate to conic-rostrate, with cells in straight or oblique rows; peristome teeth 16, irregularly cleft, 100-220 µm long, light-yellow, essentially smooth. Spores 15-19 µm, papillose.