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Published In: Flora Boreali-Americana (Michaux) 2: 289. 1803. (Fl. Bor.-Amer.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/10/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 3/10/2009)
General Reference:

Illustration & Distribution Map     (Last Modified On 3/10/2009)
Illustrations: T. Cao & C. Gao 1988 (Figs. 1–3).
Click here for distribution map.
Map: Trematodon longicollis Michx. (Distribution in China)

Ecology & World Range     (Last Modified On 3/10/2009)
Habitat & Distribution:
Habitat: on soil or rocks.
Distribution: China, widely in Asia, Europe, North, Central, and South America.

Specimens Info     (Last Modified On 3/10/2009)
Specimens Examined:
Chinese specimens examined: Anhui: Dun-xi Co., C. Gao s.n. (IFSBH); Huang Shan (Mt.), D.-K. Li 2378 (SHM); Huo-shan Co., K.-H. Cai 2255 (SHM). Fujian: Nan-jing Co., D.-K. Li 1291 (SHM); Nan-ping Co., D.-K. Li 19050 (SHM); San-ming Co., D.-K. Li 1686 (SHM); Wuyi Shan (Mt.), D.-K. Li 14907 (SHM), P.-J. Lin 460 (IBSC); Yong-chun Co., D.-K. Li 00308 (IFSBH). Guangdong: Ding-hu Shan (Mt.), S.-K. Liang et al. 10503 (IBSC, MO), K.-L. Shi 11150 (IBSC, MO); Guangzhou City, C. Gao 8312 (IFSBH), P.-J. Lin 127 (IBSC); Ru-yuan Co., Guangdong 73 Exped. Team 397 (IBSC). Guangxi: Xing-an Co., C. Gao & G.-C. Zhang 1481, 1672 (IFSBH). Guizhou: Zun-yi Co., R.-W. Wang s.n. (IFSBH). Hainan: Bawangling (Mt.), C.-H. Gao 25400 (SHM); Chang-jiang Co., Redfearn 35754a (MO). Hubei: Ba-dong Co. L.-J. Bi & J.-M. Yang 101 (IFSBH, PE). Hunan: Heng-shan (Mt.), T. Cao 21989 (IFSBH); Yi-zhang Co., C. Gao & G.-C. Zhang 976 (IFSBH). Jiangsu: Nanjing City, M. Zang s.n. (KUN). Jiangxi: Jing-gang Shan (Mt.), D.-K. Li 16700 (IFSBH); Lu Shan (Mt.), P.-C. Chen 180 (PE), D.-K. Li 16979 (IFSBH, SHM); Ying-tan Co., D.-K. Li 1206 (SHM). Liaoning: Zhuang-he Co., X.-Y. Jia 870028 (IFSBH). Shandong: Tai Shan (Mt.), C. Gao & E.-Z. Bai 34117 (IFSBH). Sichuan: Chongqing City, P.-C. Chen 475 (PE); Omei Shan (Mt.), Allen 6510 (MO), C. Gao et al. 18616 (IFSBH); Ya-an Co., Q. Li 492 (IFSBH). Taiwan: Nan-tou Co., M-J. Lai 8207 (MO); Tai-pei Co., M.-J. Lai 10057 (MO); Tai-nan Co., S.-H. Lin s.n. [Bryophytes of Taiwan Exsiccatae 248] (MO); Tai-tung Co., C.-C. Chuang 5040 (UBC). Xizang: Mo-tuo Co., S.-K. Chen 4762 (KUN), Y.-G. Su 4086 (KUN). Yunnan: De-hong Pref., W.-X. Xu 4, 61 (YUKU); He-kou Co., W.-X. Xu 7459 (YUKU); Jing-hong Co., Magill et al. 7824 (MO), Redfearn et al. 34036 (MO); Qiu-bei Co., D.-K. Li 2641 (SHM); Xishuangbanna, X.-J. Li 3477 (KUN); Yi-liang Co., X.-J. Li 4546 (KUN); Yun-xian Co., J.-K. Zhang 1566 (YUKU). Zhejiang: Hangzhou City, R.-L. Hu 9 (HSNU); Jiulong Shan (Mt.), Z.-L. Liu 1192 (SHM); Ping-hu Co., D.-K. Li 3444 (SHM); Pu-tuo Island, D.-K. Li 6932 (SHM); Sheng-si Co., D.-K. Li 4067 (SHM).


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2. Trematodon longicollis Michx.   长蒴藓   chang-shuo xian
Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 289. 1803. Type. U.S.A.: North Carolina, Michaux s.n.
Trematodon acutus C. Müll., Syn. Musc. Frond. 1: 458. 1848.
Trematodon drepanellus Besch., J. Bot. (Desvaux) 12: 283. 1898.
Trematodon flaccidisetus Card., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 17: 5. 1904. Trematodon drepanellus var. flaccidisetus (Card.) Dix., Hong Kong Naturalist. Suppl. 2: 2. 1933.
Trematodon paucifolius C. Müll., Syn. Musc. Frond. 1: 459. 1848.
Trematodon stristicalyx Dix., Hong Kong Naturalist. Suppl. 2: 3. 1933. Type. China: Zhejiang, Hang-zhou, E. D. Merril 1152 (holotype BM).
Trematodon tonkinensis auct. non Besch. (sensu Chinese authors).
Plants minute, 2–6 mm high, green to yellowish green, gregarious or scattered. Stems erect, simple or rarely branched. Leaves 1.7–3.6 mm long, contorted when dry, flexuose spreading when moist, oblong to oblong-ovate at base, gradually narrowed from a clasping base to a long, linear-subulate acumen, blunt at tips; margins plane and entire below, slightly recurved and serrulate above; costa strong, percurrent, not entirely filling the acumen; upper and median cells short to moderately rectangular, 18–24 µm × 8–10 µm, firm or somewhat thick-walled; basal cells in the clasping base, oblong-rhomboidal to long-rectangular, 40–90 µm × 8–13 µm, lax, thin-walled. Autoicous. Perichaetial leaves larger than the upper stem leaves. Setae straight, (4–)10–20(–30) mm long, yellow to yellowish brown; capsules inclined, urn short-cylindric, 1.5–2.0 mm long, neck 3.0–5.0 mm long, curved above, strumose at base; opercula slenderly and obliquely long-rostrate; annuli well developed, deciduous; stomata of two kinds; peristome teeth lanceolate, reddish, somewhat perforate, vertically striate on lower 2/3 of the teeth, papillose on the upper 1/3. Spores ca. 20 µm in diameter, strongly papillose.


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