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!Trematodon longicollis Michx. Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections (Not In Project) Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Accepted By and Published In:
  • Reference article Michaux, A. 1803. Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2 vols. Levrault, Paris & Strasbourg. View in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library
Accepted By:
  • Reference article Allen, B. H. 1994. Moss Flora of Central America. Part 1. Sphagnaceae--Calymperaceae. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 49: 242 pp.
  • Reference article Anderson, L. E., H. A. Crum & W. R. Buck. 1990. List of mosses of North America north of Mexico. Bryologist 93: 448–499.
  • Reference article Banu-Fattah, K. & H. Syed. 1996. Acrocarpous mosses of Bangladesh---III. Family Dicranaceae. J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci 22: 1–17.
  • Reference article Bartram, E. B. 1949. Mosses of Guatemala. Fieldiana, Bot. 25: 442 pp. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Reference article Bowers, F. D. 1974. The mosses reported from Costa Rica. Bryologist 77: 150–171.
  • Reference article Breen, R. S. 1963. Mosses Florida xliv + 273 pp. University Presses of Florida, Gainesville.
  • Reference article Breil, D. A. 1973. Mosses Virginia 21 pp. Longwood College, Farmville.
  • Reference article Cao, T. & C. Gao. 1988. Studies of Chinese bryophytes (2). Trematodon Michx. (Musci, Dicranaceae). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 323–334.
  • Reference article Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares Castillo. 1995. Prodromus bryologiae Novo-Granatensis: introducción a la flora de musgos de Colombia. Parte 1: Adelotheciaceae a Funariaceae. Bibliot. José Jerónimo Triana 12: 1–453.
  • Reference article Conard, H. S. & P. L. Redfearn Jr. 1979. How Know Mosses (ed. 2) viii + 302 pages.
  • Reference article Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. P. G. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith. 1981 [1982]. Mosses of Europe and the Azores: an annotated list of species, with synonyms from the recent literature. J. Bryol. 11: 609–689.
  • Reference article Crosby, M. R. 1969. The mosses reported from Panama. Bryologist 72: 513–521.
  • Reference article Crosby, M. R. & o. REVISED. 1999. REVISED: accepted in a monograph, revision, or descriptive flora since 1963. In Checklist Mosses. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
  • Reference article Crosby, M. R., B. H. Allen & R. E. Magill. 1985. A review of the moss genus Hypnella. Bryologist 88: 121–129.
  • Reference article Crum, H. A. 1994. Bruchiaceae in A. J. Sharp et al. (editors), Moss Flora of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69: 84–89.
  • Reference article Crum, H. A. & E. B. Bartram. 1958. A survey of the moss flora of Jamaica. Bull. Inst. Jamaica, Sci. Ser. 8: 90 pp.
  • Reference article Crum, H. A. & L. E. Anderson. 1981. Mosses E. N. Amer. 1: 663 pp. Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Reference article De Sloover, J. L. 2003. Illustrations de mousses africaines. Scripta Bot. Belg. 28: 1–224.
  • Reference article Delgadillo Moya, C. & Á. Cárdenas Soriano. 2011. Bryophyta (Musci). 137–148, color photos on pp. 65–66. In A. J. García-Mendoza & J. A. Meave del Castillo Divers. Floríst. Oaxaca. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria.
  • Reference article Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2007. Bryophytes: Mosses. 27: i–xxi, 1–713. In Fl. N. Amer.. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Reference article Forzza, R. C. 2010. Lista de espécies Flora do Brasil http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.
  • Reference article Gangulee, H. C. 1971. Mosses E. India 2: pp. (v–xiii) + xiv + 177–566. Privately published, Calcutta.
  • Reference article Gao, C. 1994. Fl. Bryophyt. Sin. 1. Sphagnales, Andreaeales, Archidiales, Dicranales. 368 pp. Science Press, Beijing.
  • Reference article Grout, A. J. 1936-1939. Moss Fl. N. Amer. 1: 1–264. Author, Newfane, Vermont.
  • Reference article Hilferty, F. J. 1960. The mosses of Massachusetts. A county catalogue with annotations. Rhodora 62: 145–173. View in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Reference article Hodgetts, N. G., L. Söderström, T. L. Blockeel, S. Caspari, M. S. Ignatov, N. A. Konstantinova, N. Lockhart, B. Papp, C. Schröck, M. Sim-Sim, D. Bell, N. E. Bell, H. H. Blom, M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. Brugués, J. Enroth, K. I. Flatberg, R. Garilleti, L. Hedenäs, D. T. Holyoak, V. Hugonnot, I. U. Kariyawasam, H. Köckinger, J. Kučera, F. Lara & R. D. Porley. 2020. An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus. J. Bryol. 42(1): 1–116. An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe,
 Macaronesia and Cyprus
  • Reference article Ireland, Jr., R. R., G. R. Brassard, W. B. Schofield & D. H. Vitt. 1987. Checklist of the mosses of Canada II. Lindbergia 13: 1–62.
  • Reference article Iwatsuki, Z. 1991. Cat. Mosses Japan (Iwatsuki) 182 pp. Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Nichinan.
  • Reference article Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki. 2006. A taxonomic revision of Trematodon asanoi and its related species (Dicranaceae, Musci). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 99: 259–269.
  • Reference article Jennings, O. E. 1951. A Manual of the Mosses of Western Pennsylvania and adjacent Regions. Second edition. Amer. Midl. Naturalist, Monogr. 6. 396 pp.
  • Reference article Kis, G. 1985. Mosses South-east Trop. Africa 170 pp. Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vácrátót.
  • Reference article Kumar, S. S. 1985 [1986]. Taxonomic studies of west Himalayan mosses --- II. The genus Trematodon. Nova Hedwigia 42: 9–18.
  • Reference article Lampton, R. K. 1970. Mosses of Georgia. A check list of species which have been collected within the State. Bull. Georgia Acad. Sci. 28: 81–98.
  • Reference article Lisboa, R. C. L. 1993. Musgos Acrocárp. Est. Rondonia 272 pages. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém.
  • Reference article Magill, R. E. 1981 [1982]. Part 1, Mosses. Fascicle 1. Sphagnaceae to Grimmiaceae. Pp. xv + 1–291. In Fl. S. Africa, Bryophyta. Botanical Research Institute, Pretoria.
  • Reference article Mahler, W. F. 1980. Mosses Texas 147 pp. SMU Herbarium, Dallas.
  • Reference article McCleary, J. A. & P. L. Redfearn Jr. 1979. Checklist of the mosses of Illinois. Trans. Illinois State Acad. Sci. 72: 28–51. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Reference article Menzel, M. 1992. Preliminary checklist of the mosses of Peru (Studies on Peruvian Bryophytes IV). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71: 175–254.
  • Reference article Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki. 1987. Ill. Moss Fl. Japan 1: pp. 1–242, index. Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Nichinan.
  • Reference article Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen. 1990. Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XXXV. Dicranaceae and Dicnemonaceae (Musci). Acta Bot. Fenn. 139: 1–64.
  • Reference article O'Shea, B. J. 2006. Checklist of the mosses of sub-Saharan Africa (version 5, 12/06). Trop. Bryol. Res. Rep. 6: 1–252.
  • Reference article Ramsay, H. P., R. D. Seppelt & A. J. Downing. 2020. The genus Trematodon (Bruchiaceae) in Australia. Telopea 23: 1–19. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Reference article Redfearn Jr., P. L. 1983. Mosses Interior Highlands N. Amer. viii + 104 pp.
  • Reference article Reese, W. D. 1984. Mosses Gulf South xvi + 252 pp. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge & London.
  • Reference article Schultze-Motel, W. 1974. Die Moose der Samoa-Inseln. Willdenowia 7: 333–408.
  • Reference article Schultze-Motel, W. 1971. Vorläufiges Verzeichnis der Laubmoose von Samoa. Bryologist 74: 347–358.
  • Reference article Snider, J. A., S. M. Studlar & M. Medley. 1986. Checkl. Bryoph. Kentucky 32 pp. [Unpublished].
  • Reference article Suzuki, T. 2015. Notes on Trematodon flaccidisetus Card. Hattoria 6: 45–47.
  • Reference article Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki. 1991. A new annotated Philippine moss checklist. Harvard Pap. Bot. 3: 1–64.
  • Reference article Whittier, H. O. 1976. Mosses Society Isl. x + 410 pp. The University Presses of Florida, Gainesville.
  • Reference article Wijk, R. van der, W. D. Margadant & P. A. Florschütz. 1959--1969. Index Muscorum Vol. 1--5. Regnum Veg. 17, 26, 33, 48, 65:.
  • Reference article Winkler, S. 1964--65 [1965]. Beitrage zur Bryologie von El Salvador, C. A. I. Laubmoose. Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 33: 505–540. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
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