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!Dicranum muehlenbeckii Bruch & Schimp. Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Bryologia Europaea 1: 142. 78 (fasc. 37–40 Mon. 38. 30). 1847. (Bryol. Eur.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/9/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 3/9/2009)
General Reference:

Illustration & Distribution Map     (Last Modified On 3/9/2009)
Click here for distribution map.
Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1994 (Pl. 126, figs. 1–9).
Map: Dicranum muehlenbeckii Bruch & Schimp. (Distribution in China)

Ecology & World Range     (Last Modified On 3/9/2009)
Habitat & Distribution:
Habitat: on humic soil or rocks.
Distribution: China, Korea, Japan, Europe, Russia, and North America.

Specimens Info     (Last Modified On 3/9/2009)
Specimens Examined:

Chinese specimens examined: Jilin: An-tu Co., C. Gao 1192 (ALTA, IFSBH); Changbai Co., C. Gao 7511 (IFSBH); Jiao-he Co., C. Gao 1959 (IFSBH, MO). Nei Mongol: Da Xing An Ling (Greater Khingan Mt.), C. Gao 1948 (MO), H.-F. Xie 57 (MO). Sichuan: Ba-tang Co., S. He 31463 (MO, PE); Li-xian Co., Z. Wang et al. 518 (IFSBH); Mu-li Co., C. Gao 20444 (MO), C. Gao et al. 20868 (IFSBH). Taiwan: Ping-tung Co., C.-C. Chuang 57736 (NY). Xizang: Lu-lang Co., S.-K. Chen 392 (IFSBH); Mi-lin Co., Xizang Team 7486 (IFSBH). Zhejiang: Xitianmu Shan (Mt.), R.-L. Hu 116(b) (HSNU, IFSBH).


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20. Dicranum muehlenbeckii Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G.   细叶曲尾藓 xi-ye qu-wei xian
Bryol. Eur. 1: 142. 1847. Type. Switzerland: Mühlenbeck s.n. 1844.
Dicranum neglectum auct. non Jur. ex De Not., Atti Reale Univ. Genova 1: 613. 1869. Dicranum muehlenbeckii var. neglectum auct. non (De Not.) Pfeff., Neue Denschr. Schweiz. Naturf. Ges. 4: 23. 1869.
Dicranum spadiceum auct. non Zett., Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 5(10): 20. 1865.
Plants medium-sized, 2–4 cm high, yellowish green or brownish green, not or somewhat shiny, in compact tufts. Stems erect or ascending, simple or branched, tomentose below. Leaves crispate when dry, erect-patent or slightly secund when moist, ovate-lanceolate, 8–10 mm × 1 mm, gradually narrowed from an oblong-ovate base to slender, or subulate, channeled acumen; margins plane below, involute above, double-toothed and bistratose in the upper part; costa stout, occupying 1/5–1/4 the leaf base width, percurrent or shortly excurrent, not particularly ridged at back, smooth or somewhat serrulate near the tips; upper cells quadrate to rounded quadrate, incrassate, not porose, somewhat mammillose at back; basal cells elongate, rectangular, thick-walled, porose; alar cells quadrate, slightly inflated, bistratose, deeply brownish. Dioicous. Male plants dwarfed. Setae single or sometimes two per perichaetium, straight, 2.5–3.0 cm long, yellowish; capsules cylindric, curved, urns ca. 3 mm long, sometimes strumose at base, more or less furrowed when dry and empty; opercula obliquely long-rostrate, ca. 2 mm long; annuli in 1 or 2 rows of large cells, deciduous; peristome teeth lanceolate, divided to the middle, reddish brown, papillose above, vertically striolate below. Spores 18–20 µm in diameter, minutely papillose.


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