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!Trichostomum crispulum Bruch Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Flora 12: 395, 4. 1829. (Flora) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 2/16/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project data     (Last Modified On 2/16/2011)
Discussion :

Trichostomum crispulum is a widespread, variable species. In Central America it has narrow leaves with erect to incurved upper leaf margins, rounded leaf apices, and a stoutly excurrent costa. It differs from all other Central American species of Trichostomum by  its strongly incurved to involute upper leaf margins that is similar to that found in some Weissia species.

Illustrations : Bartram (1933, Fig. 55, as T. mauiense); Noguchi (1988, Fig. 110 C); Norris and Koponen (1989, Fig. 4 a–e); Zander (1993, Pl. 11 18–21; Sharp et al. (1994. Fig. 173). Figure 82.
Habitat : On boulders (limestone) or decaying logs; 405–1200 m.
Distribution in Central America : BELIZE. Cayo: Allen 18099 (BRH, MO); Toledo: Allen 18872 (BRH, MO). HONDURAS. Comayagua: Allen 13729 (MO); Lempira: Davidse & Zuniga 34586 (MO, TEFH). NICARAGUA. Matagalpa: Almedo 1453b (MO). COSTA RICA. Cartago: Holz CR99-643 (GOET, MO).
World Range : Subarctic America, Western and Eastern Canada, South-Central U.S.A.; Mexico; Central America; Northern, Middle, East, Southwestern, and Southeastern Europe; Siberia, Far East, Caucasus, Middle Asia, Mongolia, China, Eastern Asia, Western Asia, Arabian Peninsula; Macaronesia, Northern Africa, Northeast and East Tropical Africa, Middle Atlantic Ocean; Indian Subcontinent, Malesia; Southwest Pacific, North-Central Pacific.


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Trichostomum crispulum Bruch in F. Muell., Flora 12: 395. 1829.

Protologue: Sardinia. Unter Gebüschen auf Hügeln bei Cagliari. [Fleischer].

Trichostomum involvens Card., Rev. Bryol. 40: 34. 1913. Protologue: Mexico. État de Puebla: Rancho Posada (Frère Nicolas, 1911, n° 5973 in parte, 5998, 6024). État de Vera-Cruz: Jalapa (C.R. Orcutt 1912, n° 5362).

Trichostomum chlorophyllum C. Müll. var. brevifolium Thér., Smithsonian Misc. Collect. 85(4): 8. 1931. Protologue: Mexico. Puebla: ( [Bro. Arsène] 4994, 4995).  

Plants small to medium, green above, yellowish below, in loose tufts, to 6 mm high. Stems red, erect, irregularly branched, hyalodermis and central strand present; rhizoids sparse. Leaves 1.7–4 mm long, linear-lanceolate, erect at base, incurved, somewhat contorted and twisted above when dry, spreading to spreading-recurved when wet; apices obtuse to broadly acute, often cucullate, sharply mucronate; lamina unistratose, sometimes fragile; margins entire, erect to incurved; costa stoutly excurrent, guide cells and two stereid bands well-developed, ventral surface layer enlarged; upper cells subquadrate to rounded-hexagonal, 6–9 μm wide, firm-walled, pluripapillose, papillae scattered, basal cells rectangular, firm-walled or thin-walled, 30–100 x 6–14 μm, outer basal cells running somewhat up the margins in a v-shaped pattern. Dioicous. Sporophytes not seen. Setae 10–13 mm long; capsules cylindrical, 1.5–2.2 mm long, opercula high-conic, 1–1.2 mm long; annuli of 2–3 vesiculose cells; peristome teeth straight, yellow to brown, papillose to spiculose, basal membrane none or very low. Spores 10–14 μm, weakly papillose (Zander 1994a).



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