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Vesicularia montagnei (Bél.) Broth. Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien I(3): 1094. 1908. (Nat. Pflanzenfam.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 4/3/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 5/6/2009)
General Reference:

Illustration & Distribution Map     (Last Modified On 5/6/2009)
Illustrations: Vesicularia montagnei (Bél.) Broth. (Figs. 1–10.)
Map: Vesicularia montagnei (Bél.) Broth. (Distribution in China)

Ecology & World Range     (Last Modified On 5/6/2009)
Habitat & Distribution:
Habitat: on tree trunks or rocks in wet places; alt. 1800 m.
Distribution: China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, and Sudan.


Specimens Info     (Last Modified On 5/6/2009)
Specimens Examined:


Chinese specimens examined: Chongqing: Nan-chuan Co., M.-Z. Wang 860497 (MO, PE). Hunan: Yi-zhang Co., C. Gao & G.-C. Zhang 1042 (IFSBH). Taiwan: Ho-shu, M.-T. Kao 354 (MO); Hua-lien Co., Shevock 15066 (CAS, MO). Xizang: Mo-tuo Co., Y.-G. Su 2389 (HKAS). Yunnan: He-kou Co., R. Xu s.n. (PE), M. Zang 4154, 4308, 4349, 4354 (all in HKAS); Jing-hong Co., Redfearn et al. 33725c (MO); Xishuangbanna, Magill et al. 7530 (MO), L. Zhang 5986 (HKAS).

Notes     (Last Modified On 5/6/2009)
general taxon notes:
The leaf apices of this species are very variable. A distinctive feature of this species is that its leaf cells of lateral leaves are much narrower than those of ventral leaves.


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4. Vesicularia montagnei (Schimp.) Broth.   明叶藓   ming ye xian
Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 1094. 1908. Pterygophyllum montagnei (Schimp.) Bél., Voy. Indes Or. 2(Crypt): 85. 1834. Hypnum montagnei Schimp. in Mont., Hist. Phys. Cuba, Bot., Pl. Cell. 9: 530. Pl. 2, f. 1. 1842.
Vesicularia meyeniana (Hampe) Broth., Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 1094. 1908. Hookeria meyeniana Hampe, Icon. Musc. 3. 1844.
Vesicularia tamakii Broth., Öfvers. Förh. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. 62A(9): 49. f. 29. 1921.
Plants medium-sized, dark green. Stems prostrate, irregularly or subpinnately branched; branches ca. 5 mm long, flattened. Dorsal leaves oblong-ovate to rounded ovate, shortly acuminate, 0.9–1.0 mm × 0.4–0.6 mm, lateral leaves broadly ovate, acuminate, 1.2–1.5 mm × 0.9 mm; margins entire; costae absent; median leaf cells of dorsal leaves oblate-hexagonal, 40–60 µm × 12–18 µm, thin-walled, lax, a row of elongate cells at margins; branch and stem leaves similar. Autoicous. Inner perichaetial leaves narrowly lanceolate, slenderly acuminate, ca. 1.5 mm long. Setae 12–15 mm long; capsules inclined, oblong-ovoid, ca. 1.0 mm long, neck developed, brownish, constricted below the mouth when dry; opercula rostrate; peristome hypnoid. Spores 9–12 µm in diameter, almost smooth.


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