Leptodontium capituligerum C. Müll., Linnaea 42: 323. 1879.
Protologue: Argentina. Argentinia Cordobensis, Ascochinga in rupibus gneissaceis, Aprili 1871, sterile. – Argentinia subtropica, Aliso-regione, Siambon 1873, hic multo longius et magis luteum; prope Siambon in tectis, terra et ligno passim, initio Martii 1872, ubique sterile et polymorphum, gracile vel robustius [Lorentz]. Lectotype (Zander 1972): Argentina, Siambon, Lorentz, s.n. (NY).
Leptodontium gracile C. Müll. ex Britt., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 32: 474. 1896. Protologue: Bolivia. Mapiri, 5000 ft ([Rusby] 3111); Unduavi, 8000 ft. [Rusby] 3109. Lectotype (Zander 1972): Rusby 3111 (NY).
Plants medium-sized in loose tufts, yellowish brown, 2–5 cm high. Stems red, erect or laxly ascending, hyalodermis present, sparsely radiculose. Leaves erect to erect-incurved, flexuose to crispate when dry, spreading to spreading-recurved when wet, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, 3–3.5 mm long, keeled above, erect-sheathing at base, decurrent; apices acute to broadly acuminate; margins recurved in lower 1/2–2/3, serrate to dentate in upper 1/3; costa subpercurrent; upper leaf cells quadrate to subquadrate, firm-walled with rounded corners, 10–15 μm in diameter, pluripapillose; inner basal cells long- or short-rectangular, enlarged and hyaline with thin, bulging walls, sometimes iridescent, 32–75 x 7.5–17.5 μm, sharply demarcated from the quadrate to short-rectangular, firm-walled outer basal cells, basal leaf cells near insertion often with unistratose enations of quadrate cells, cells pluripapillose, papillae near upper margins and interior basal region simple, low, scattered, papillae of upper interior and lower marginal regions complex, in a crown-like ring from a centrally located, high columnar base, alar cells not differentiated. Asexual reproduction by obovoid gemmae with transverse walls borne on main stems. Dioicous. Sporophytes unknown.