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Literature Based Distribution
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Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
ArgentinaChacoJiménez, M. S.2024Novelties for the bryophyte flora of Chaco Province, north of Argentina.Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot.59(4): 465–480
ArgentinaChacoJiménez, M. S.2024Novelties for the bryophyte flora of Chaco Province, north of Argentina.Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot.59(4): 465–480
BrazilForzza, R. C.2010(none)Lista de espécies Flora do Brasilhttp://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010
CaribbeanWijk, R. van der, W. D. Margadant & P. A. Florschütz1959--1969Index Muscorum Vol. 1–5Regnum Veg.17, 26, 33, 48, 65:
Costa RicaBowers, F. D.1974The mosses reported from Costa RicaBryologist77: 150–171
NicaraguaJinotegaCrosby, M. R. & H. A. Crum1967Fifty-six mosses new to NicaraguaBryologist70: 365–369
United StatesAlaskaWorley, I. A. & Z. Iwatsuki1970A checklist of the mosses of AlaskaBryologist73: 59–71
United StatesArkansasRedfearn Jr., P. L.1979Bryophytes of the Interior Highlands of North American XVI. Species of the Ozark National Forest, Sylamore Division, and adjacent areas in Stone County, ArkansasBryologist82: 483–486
United StatesColoradoWeber, W. A.1973Guide to the mosses of Colorado. Keys and ecological notes based on field and herbarium studiesOccas. Pap. Inst. Arctic Alpine Res.6: iii + 48 pp
United StatesFloridaBreen, R. S.1963(none)Mosses Floridaxliv + 273 pp
United StatesGeorgiaLampton, R. K.1970Mosses of Georgia. A check list of species which have been collected within the State.Bull. Georgia Acad. Sci.28: 81–98.
United StatesIowaPeck, J. H.1978A restatement of Conard's Iowa bryophyte flora with modern nomenclature, additional reports, and county dot mapsContr. Univ. Wisconsin Herb.21: 90 pp
United StatesKansasChurchill, S. P.1985A synopsis of the Kansas mosses with keys and distribution mapsUniv. Kansas Sci. Bull.53: 1–64
United StatesKentuckySnider, J. A., S. M. Studlar & M. Medley1986(none)Checkl. Bryoph. Kentucky32 pp
United StatesMichiganCrum, H. A.1983(none)Mosses Great Lakes Forest (ed. 3)417 pp
United StatesNew MexicoStark, L. R. & R. C. Castetter1982A preliminary list of bryophytes from the Organ Mountains, New Mexico.Bryologist85: 307–311
United StatesNew YorkKetchledge, E. H.1980Revised checklist of the moses of New York StateNew York State Mus. Bull.440: 1–19
United StatesOklahomaMahler, B. D. & W. F. Mahler1980Checklist of mosses of OklahomaBryologist83: 202–208
United StatesTexasMahler, W. F.1980(none)Mosses Texas147 pp
United StatesTexasStoneburner, A. H. & R. E. Wyatt1979Three Big Thicket bryophytes new to TexasBryologist82: 491–493
United StatesVirginiaBreil, D. A.1973(none)Mosses Virginia21 pp
United StatesWisconsinBowers, F. D. & S. K. Freckmann1979Atlas of Wisconsin bryophytesRep. Fauna Fl. Wisconsin16: 1-53
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