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!Meesia longiseta Hedw. Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Species Muscorum Frondosorum 173. 1801. (Sp. Musc. Frond.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 2/24/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project data     (Last Modified On 2/24/2011)
Discussion :

Meesia longiseta can be recognized by its very long setae, asymmetric, pyriform capsules that are erect at the neck but inclined above, and short exostome teeth. The gametophytes of M. longiseta look somewhat like a Bryum, but it differs from that genus in having elimbate leaves that are wide‑spreading from an erect base, and lax leaf cells. Its gametophytes can be confused with those of the Funariaceae, but the Funariaceae differ in having smaller plants with thin, bulging leaf cells. Although the leaf margins in M. longiseta are usually reported as plane, as noted by Bartram (1949), plants from Central America have leaf margins narrowly recurved at base. Grout (1935) also reported forms of M. longiseta with somewhat reflexed leaf margins from North America.

Illustrations : Bartram (1929a, Pl. 19 A–K, as M. ulei); Grout (1935, Pl. 65B 3–19); Bartram (1949, Fig. 85 D–F); Nyholm (1958, Fig. 161C); Lawton (1971, Pl. 112 6–8); Crum and Anderson (1981, Fig 296 A–F, Fig. 297 A–F); Sharp et al. (1994, Fig. 436); Churchill and Linares (1995, Fig. 120 c–f). Figure 179.
Habitat : Terrestrial in bogs or in pine forests; 1350–1500 m.
Distribution in Central America : GUATEMALA. Alta Verapaz: Standley 92739 (F). HONDURAS. Comayagua: Standley 56114a (F).
World Range : Subarctic America, Western and Eastern Canada, Northwestern, North‑Central, and Northeastern U.S.A.; Central America; Western South America; Northern, Middle, East, Southwestern, and Southeastern Europe; Siberia, Russian Far East, Caucasus, China.


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Meesia longiseta Hedw., Sp. Musc. Frond. 173. 1801.

Protologue. In turfosis paludosis Sueciae, Berolini, Erlangae, in monte pinifero Franconiae. 

Plants small to medium-sized in yellow‑green tufts. Stems to 1 cm high, tomentose below. Leaves somewhat 3-ranked, spreading or wide‑spreading from an erect base, not much altered when dry, 2–3 mm long, ovate‑lanceolate, moderately keeled above, decurrent; apices acute or rounded‑obtuse; margins entire or obscurely and bluntly serrulate, plane or weakly revolute at base; costae subpercurrent; upper leaf cells short-rectangular to narrowly long‑rectangular, 24–50 μm long, thin to firm‑walled, smooth, basal cells laxly rectangular, enlarged, bulging, thin‑walled, to 60 μm long. Synoicous. Perichaetial leaves 4–7 mm long. Setae 6–10 cm long. Capsules 2.0–3.5 mm long, pyriform, curved and asymmetric from an erect neck; opercula bluntly conic, 0.5 mm long; exostome teeth short, blunt or truncate, outer (dorsal) surface lightly thickened and faintly horizontally striate, inner (ventral) surface more strongly thickened than the outer surface, inner trabeculae thickened and projecting, endostome 2–4 times as long as the exostome teeth, basal membrane low, segments narrow, keeled, slightly perforate, outer (dorsal) surface smooth, often with yellow, irregular, often discontinuously thickenings, inner (ventral) surface hyaline, lightly thickened, cilia 2–4, rudimentary. Spores 36–44 μm, brown, lightly papillose.



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