Plants dark-green above, brown or red-brown below, rarely branched. Stems up to 10 mm high; central strand strong, occasionally hollow; hyaloderm not or weakly differentiated. Propagula often present on brown, axillary stalks, stellate to dentate-ellipsoidal, up to 120 (rarely 300) µm long. Leaves tubulose and incurved when dry, spreading when moist, rosulate-tufted, up to 2.5 mm long, spatulate, broadly channeled across the leaf and shallowly grooved at the costa, rounded to rounded-obtuse at the apex, somewhat sheathing at the narrow base and weakly auricled; margins plane to broadly incurved, entire to denticulate or distantly dentate in the upper 1/4; costa subpercurrent to ending in an apiculus, often red-brown, in section semi-circular, with both stereid bands strong, guide cells in 1 layer, hydroids absent, and epidermal cells on the ventral surface quadrate or, more commonly, short-rectangular, weakly convex or rarely bulging as much as the laminal cells, the epidermal cells of the dorsal surface elongate and smooth; upper cells ± arranged in longitudinal and oblique rows, mammillose-bulging on the upper surface, weakly convex on the lower, 8-10 µm wide, rounded-quadrate to hexagonal, thin- to evenly thick-walled; basal cells differentiated across the leaf or in median regions, rectangular, 13-20 µm wide and 2-4:1, with walls thin or evenly thickened. Dioicous. Setae 6-7 mm long, red-brown to yellow-brown; capsules 2-3 mm long, cylindric from a poorly differentiated neck, red-brown; exothecial cells rectangular, 20-25 µm wide and 2-5:1, thick-walled; annulus of 2-3 layers of vesiculose cells, deciduous in fragments or remaining attached to the urn or operculum; operculum 0.5-0.6 mm long, with cells straight-rowed. Spores 7-9 µm, weakly papillose.