6. Sphagnum contortum Schultz 扭枝泥炭藓 niu-zhi ni-tan xian
Prodr. Fl. Starg. Suppl. 64. 1819. Sphagnum subsecundum Nees ex Sturm var. contortum (Schultz) Hüb., Muscol. Germ., 27. 1833. Type. Europe.
Plants small to medium-sized, brownish green to yellowish brown; branches of capitula usually curved, terminal buds small. Stem cortex in 2–3 layers, hyaline cells without fibrils, with pores at the upper ends; central cylinder green to pale brown. Stem leaves 1.0–1.3 mm long, oblong-ligulate to oblong-triangular, with rounded and concave apex; borders gradually widened below; hyaline cells undivided, fibrillose, without pores or with only a few pores in the upper cells on the dorsal surface, few to numerous pores on the ventral surface. Branches in fascicles of 4–6 with 2–3 spreading and 2–3 pendent, rather distantly set, concealing the stems. Branch leaves 1.2–2.0 mm long, broadly oblong-ovate, concave, more or less curved-secund at the apex; hyaline cells without pores or rarely with a few pores on the ventral surface, with numerous ringed, rounded elliptic pores scattered or sometimes in commissural rows on the dorsal surface; green cells in cross section narrowly elliptic, centrally located, exposed equally on both surfaces. Dioicous. Sporophytes not seen.