7. Rhizomnium pseudopunctatum (Bruch & Schimp.) T.J. Kop. 拟毛灯藓 ni mao deng xian
Ann. Bot. Fenn. 5: 143. 1968. Astrophyllum pseudopunctatum (Bruch & Schimp.) Lindb., Musci Scand. 13. 1879. Mnium pseudopunctatum Bruch & Schimp., London J. Bot. 2: 669. 1843. Type: North America.
Mnium subglobosum Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G., Bryol. Eur. 4: 205. 1846, nom. illeg.
Plants medium-sized, in loose tufts. Stems erect, ca. 2.0 cm high, simple, sparsely foliate, with dense rhizoids at base. Leaves flexuous when dry, spreading when moist, broadly obovate, narrowed and not decurrent at base, rounded-obtuse and not clearly apiculate at apex; margins entire, bordered by 2 rows of obliquely rectangular cells, unistratose; costae ending below the apex; leaf cells rounded-hexagonal, thick-walled, strongly thickened at corners. Synoicous. Setae solitary, ca. 3 cm long, reddish brown; capsules nearly spherical, horizontal to pendulous.