2. Mnium hornum Hedw. 提灯藓 ti deng xian
Sp. Musc. Frond. 188. 1801. Polla horna (Hedw.) Brid. ex Loeske, Stud. Morph. Syst. Laubm. 128. 1910. Type: Europe.
Plants rather large, in loose tufts. Stems erect, 4–5 cm high, simple, rarely branched. Leaves sparse, narrowly ovate or oblong-ovate, gradually acute, slightly decurrent at base; margins distinctly bordered, double-toothed; costae ending clearly below the apex, with large, sharp teeth at back; leaf cells regularly pentagonal or quadrate to hexagonal, uniformly thick-walled; lower stem leaves small, margins entire. Dioicous. Setae solitary, slender, 2.5–4.5 cm long; capsules pendulous, shortly cylindrical to ellipsoidal; neck short; peristome double; endostome segments perforate; cilia 2–3. Spores 25–35 µm in diameter, minutely papillose.