21. Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. 中位泥炭藓 zhong-wei ni-tan xian
Muscol. Recent. 2(1): 24. 1798. Type. Chile: Tierra del Fuego.
Sphagnum medium Limpr., Bot. Centralbl. 7: 313. 1881.
Plants rather robust, stout, pale yellowish green to yellowish brown, young branch tips often tinged with purple, in loose or compact tufts. Stem cortex in 3–5 layers, hyaline cells large, fibrillose, each with 1–4 large, rounded pores; central cylinder pinkish or reddish brown. Stem leaves 1.0–2.0 mm × 0.7–0.8 mm, lingulate, broadened at the apex, borders hyaline and differentiated, often involute; hyaline cells undivided, densely fibrillose, with many pores at the opposite ends in the upper half of the leaves, in the lower half fibrils indistinct, with large, central pores. Branches in fascicles of 4–5, with 2–3 spreading, hyaline cells with fibrils and pores. Branch leaves 1.4–2.0 mm × 1.1–1.3 mm, rounded ovate, imbricate, deeply cucullate-concave, dorsally roughened and rounded at the apex; hyaline cells with large, rounded pores on the ventral surface, mostly with ringed pores at the opposite ends on the dorsal surface; green cells in cross section elliptic, centrally located, entirely enclosed by large, hyaline cells on both surfaces. Dioicous; antheridial branches purple red; perigonial leaves large, broadly ovate. Spores pinkish, densely papillose, 24–28 µm in diameter.