Literature Based Distribution
Mapping will be based on a standard reference mark based on political units when available.
China | | | Redfearn Jr., P. L. & P.-C. Wu | 1986 | Catalog of the mosses of China | Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 73: 177–208 |
Mongolia | | | Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova | 1983 | [Konspekt flor'i mhov Mongol'skoj Narodnoj Respubliki] | Biol. Resursy Prir. Uslov. Mongol'sk. Narod. Respubl. | 17: 221 pp |
United States | Alaska | | Worley, I. A. & Z. Iwatsuki | 1970 | A checklist of the mosses of Alaska | Bryologist | 73: 59–71 |
United States | Alaska | | Peterson, W. L., D. K. Smith & A. J. Sharp | 1980 | The mosses of the Kokiak Archipelago | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. | 47: 269–285 |
United States | Maine | | Gauthier, R. | 1986 | Some Sphagnum from Great Wass Island, Maine | Evansia | 3: 17–20 |
United States | New York | | Ketchledge, E. H. | 1980 | Revised checklist of the moses of New York State | New York State Mus. Bull. | 440: 1–19 |
United States | New York | | Dirig, R. | 1986 | Sphagnum of the southwestern Catskills, Hancock Town, Delaware County, New York | Evansia | 3: 4–7 |