35. Sphagnum recurvum P. Beauv. 喙叶泥炭藓 hui-ye ni-tan xian
Prodr. Aethéog. 88. 1805. Type. U.S.A.: South Carolina.
Sphagnum recurvum subsp. amblyphyllum Russow, Sitzungsber. Naturf.-Ges. Dorpat 9: 99. 1890.
Sphagnum recurvum var. amblyphyllum (Russow) Warnst., Bot. Gaz. 15: 219. 1890.
Sphagnum amblyphyllum (Russow) Zick., Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc., II, 14: 278. 1900.
Sphagnum amblyphyllum (Russow) Warnst., Sphagn. Univ. 212. 1911, hom. illeg.
Sphagnum flexuosum Dozy & Molk., Prodr. Fl. Bat. 2(1): 76. 1851.
Sphagnum flexuosum var. recurvum Dozy & Molk., Prodr. Fl. Bat. 2(1): 77. 1851.
Plants rather large, slender, to 20 cm high, bright green to yellowish green or sometimes brown, in loose tufts. Stem cortex in 2–4 layers, indistinct, hyaline cells thick-walled, without fibrils and pores; central cylinder not much differentiated from cortical layers, green or yellowish green. Stem leaves 0.5–1.0 mm × 0.5–1.0 mm, nearly equilateral-triangular, with abruptly pointed apex or strongly lacerate across the apex; borders narrow above, gradually widened below the middle; hyaline cells undivided, mostly without fibrils and pores. Branches in fascicles of 3–5, with 1–2 spreading. Branch leaves 0.8–3.0 mm × 0.3–1.0 mm, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, strongly concave and cucullate near the apex, often cucullate-recurved in the apex when dry; borders narrow; hyaline cells with rather large, rounded, unringed pores at the corners on the ventral surface, with a few small pores at the corners or along commissural rows, often becoming larger near the base on the dorsal surface; green cells in cross section isosceles-triangular, exposed on the dorsal surface, enclosed by hyaline cells on the ventral surface. Dioicous; antheridial branches brownish orange; perigonial leaves oblong-elliptic with a broad base and an apiculate apex. Perichaetial leaves large, broadly ovate, abruptly sharp pointed at the apex, borders wide, almost consisting of all green cells near the base. Spores yellowish, smooth or papillose, ca. 25 µm in diameter.