Sematophyllum caespitosum Mitt. Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Accepted By and Published In: Accepted By:
  • Reference article Bartram, E. B. 1949. Mosses of Guatemala. Fieldiana, Bot. 25: 442 pp. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Reference article Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs. 1993. Taxonomic results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 26. A new checklist of the mosses of Central Africa. Trop. Bryol. 8: 223–273.
  • Reference article Bowers, F. D. 1974. The mosses reported from Costa Rica. Bryologist 77: 150–171.
  • Reference article Breen, R. S. 1963. Mosses Florida xliv + 273 pp. University Presses of Florida, Gainesville.
  • Reference article Breen, R. S. & W. D. Reese. 1971. A contribution to the muscology of Panama. Bryologist 74: 33–36.
  • Reference article Conard, H. S. & P. L. Redfearn Jr. 1979. How Know Mosses (ed. 2) viii + 302 pages.
  • Reference article Crosby, M. R. 1969. The mosses reported from Panama. Bryologist 72: 513–521.
  • Reference article Crosby, M. R. & H. A. Crum. 1967. Fifty-six mosses new to Nicaragua. Bryologist 70: 365–369.
  • Reference article Crum, H. A. 1952. A preliminary survey of the Nicaraguan moss flora. Bryologist 55: 157–165.
  • Reference article Crum, H. A. & E. B. Bartram. 1958. A survey of the moss flora of Jamaica. Bull. Inst. Jamaica, Sci. Ser. 8: 90 pp.
  • Reference article Crum, H. A. & L. E. Anderson. 1981. Mosses E. N. Amer. 2: pp. 665–1328. Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Reference article Crum, H. A. & P. W. Richards. 1984. New and interesting mosses from Costa Rica. J. Bryol. 13: 193–200.
  • Reference article Dalton, P. J., R. D. Seppelt & A. M. Buchanan. 1991. An annotated checklist of Tasmanian mosses. Pp. 15–32. In M. R. Banks, S. J. Smith, A. E. Orchard & G. Kantvilas Asp. Tasmanian Bot.. Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart.
  • Reference article Florschütz-de Waard, J. & P. A. Florschütz. 1979. Estudios sobre criptógamas Colombianas III. Lista comentada de los musgos de Colombia. Bryologist 82: 215–259.
  • Reference article Grout, A. J. 1928-1934. Moss Fl. N. Amer. 3: 1–277. Author, Newfane, Vermont.
  • Reference article Hermann, F. J. 1976. Recopilación de los musgos de Bolivia. Bryologist 79: 125–171.
  • Reference article Kis, G. 1985. Mosses South-east Trop. Africa 170 pp. Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vácrátót.
  • Reference article Lampton, R. K. 1970. Mosses of Georgia. A check list of species which have been collected within the State. Bull. Georgia Acad. Sci. 28: 81–98.
  • Reference article Magill, R. E. & E. A. C. L. E. Schelpe. 1979. The bryophytes of southern Africa: an annotated checklist. Mem. Bot. Surv. South Africa 43: 1–39.
  • Reference article Reese, W. D. 1984. Mosses Gulf South xvi + 252 pp. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge & London.
  • Reference article Robinson, H. E. 1975. The mosses of Juan Fernandez Islands. Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 27: iv + 88 pp.
  • Reference article Sehnem, A. 1978. Musgos Sud-Brasileiros V. Pesquisas, Bot. 32: 170 pp.
  • Reference article Steere, W. C. 1934. Mosses of British Honduras and the Department of Peten, Guatemala. Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 7: 28–41. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Reference article Steere, W. C. 1946. Mosses of British Honduras and the Department of Peten, Guatemala III. Bryologist 49(2): 72-84.
  • Reference article Tixier, P. 1988. Le genre Glossadelphus Fleisch. (Sematophyllaceae, Musci) et sa valeur. Nova Hedwigia 46: 319–356.
  • Reference article Wijk, R. van der, W. D. Margadant & P. A. Florschütz. 1959--1969. Index Muscorum Vol. 1--5. Regnum Veg. 17, 26, 33, 48, 65:.
  • Reference article Winkler, S. 1964--65 [1965]. Beitrage zur Bryologie von El Salvador, C. A. I. Laubmoose. Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 33: 505–540. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Reference article Yuncker, T. G. 1938. A contribution to the flora of Honduras. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 17(4): [285]–407. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
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