Accepted By and Published In:
Accepted By:
Breil, D. A. 1970. Liverworts of the mid-Gulf coastal plain. Bryologist 73(3): 409–491.
Conard, H. S. & P. L. Redfearn Jr. 1979. How Know Mosses (ed. 2) viii + 302 pages.
Forzza, R. C. 2010. Lista de espécies Flora do Brasil Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.
Frye, T. C. & L. Clark. 1937. Hepaticae of North America. Part I. Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. 6: 1–162.
Furuki, T. & M. Mizutani. 1994. Checklist of Japanese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae, 1993. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Japan 6: 75–83.
Grolle, R. 1995. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the East African islands: an annotated catalogue. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 48: 1–178.
Grolle, R. 1983. Hepatics of Europe including the Azores: an annotated list of species, with synonyms from recent literature. J. Bryol. 12: 403–459.
Hicks, M. L. 1992. Guide Liverw. North Carolina vii + 239 pp. Duke University, Durham & London.
Hodgetts, N. G., L. Söderström, T. L. Blockeel, S. Caspari, M. S. Ignatov, N. A. Konstantinova, N. Lockhart, B. Papp, C. Schröck, M. Sim-Sim, D. Bell, N. E. Bell, H. H. Blom, M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. Brugués, J. Enroth, K. I. Flatberg, R. Garilleti, L. Hedenäs, D. T. Holyoak, V. Hugonnot, I. U. Kariyawasam, H. Köckinger, J. Kučera, F. Lara & R. D. Porley. 2020. An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe,
Macaronesia and Cyprus. J. Bryol. 42(1): 1–116.
Lee, G. E., S. R. Gradstein, E. Pesiu & N. Norhazrina Binti Nik Mohamed Kamil. 2022. An updated checklist of liverworts and hornworts of Malaysia. PhytoKeys 199: 29-111.
Piippo, S. 1990. Annotated catalogue of Chinese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68: 1–192.
Reeb, C., L. Marline, L. Rabeau, A. H. Andriamanantena, R. L. Andriamiarisoa, H. L. T. Ranarijaona & T. Pócs. 2018. A survey of Marchantiales from Madagascar. Acta Biol. Pl. Agr. 6: 3–72.
Ruklani, N. C. S. & S. C. K. Rubasinghe. 2022. Thalloid liverworts (Marchantiopsida) of Sri Lanka. Phytotaxa 551(1): 1-82.
Stotler, R. E. & B. J. Crandall-Stotler. 1977. A checklist of the liverworts and hornworts of North America. Bryologist 80: 405–428.
Stotler, R. E. & B. J. Crandall-Stotler. 2017. A synopsis of the liverwort flora of North America north of
Mexico. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 102(4): 574–709.

Wigginton, M. J. 2018. Checklist and distribution of the liverworts and hornworts of sub-Saharan Africa, including the East African Islands. Trop. Bryol. Res. Rep. 9: 1–138.