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Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
BrazilForzza, R. C.2010(none)Lista de espécies Flora do Brasilhttp://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010
BrazilParáAbaetetubaSousa-Pereira, A. K. de & J. M. Costa2022Flora of bryophytes from squares of the urban area of the city of Abaetetuba, Pará State, BrazilRes. Soc. Developm.11(9): e2511929088 [1–12]
CambodiaBakalin, V. A., S. S. Choi & S.-J. Park2023Liverwort diversity in Cambodia: new records show there is still much to learnDiversity (Basel)15(2): 241 [1-13]
CaribbeanJamaicaSPECIMEN BASED RECORD Published protolog data  
ChinaPiippo, S.1990Annotated catalogue of Chinese Hepaticae and AnthocerotaeJ. Hattori Bot. Lab.68: 1–192
EcuadorGradstein, S. R.2020Checklist of the liverworts and hornworts of EcuadorFrahmia17: 1–40
EthiopiaHylander, K. & T. Pócs2022Some new country records of liverworts to Ethiopia: ecological and biogeographical notesFrahmia29: 1-4
Hawaiian IslHawaiiJudziewicz, E. J., A. V. Freire & K. K. Bogner2023A survey of the hornworts and liverworts of Lānaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, including 63 new recordsBishop Mus. Occas. Pap.155: 9-38
Hawaiian IslKauaiJudziewicz, E. J., A. V. Freire & K. K. Bogner2023A survey of the hornworts and liverworts of Lānaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, including 63 new recordsBishop Mus. Occas. Pap.155: 9-38
Hawaiian IslLanaiJudziewicz, E. J., A. V. Freire & K. K. Bogner2023A survey of the hornworts and liverworts of Lānaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, including 63 new recordsBishop Mus. Occas. Pap.155: 9-38
Hawaiian IslOahuJudziewicz, E. J., A. V. Freire & K. K. Bogner2023A survey of the hornworts and liverworts of Lānaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, including 63 new recordsBishop Mus. Occas. Pap.155: 9-38
IndiaNagalandSahu, V., A. K. Asthana & K. K. Rawat2023On recent survey of liverworts and hornworts (Bryophyta) of Nagaland, IndiaInt. J. Pl. Environ.9(3): 251–260
IndonesiaJavaCentral JavaUtomo, A. A., L. Khotimperwati & Jumari2022Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) in Curug Semirang, Central Java, IndonesiaBiogenesis10(2): 168–180
IndonesiaJavaEast JavaKartikasari, D., G. A. Widodo, N. Habibah & R. Z. Asna2023Diversity of moss species (Bryophyta) in Senggani Ravine Tourism Area, Tulungagung RegencyJ. Riset Biol. Aplik.5(1): 43-51
IndonesiaJavaWest JavaPratama, A. A., S. Kurniasih & D. Prasaja2022Diversity of Bryophyta in Bodogol Nature Conservation Education Center, Gunung Gede National ParkJ. Penel. Ekosist. Dipterok.8(2): 131–140
IndonesiaSumatraSusilo, F., N. Pasaribu, Syamsuardi & E. S. Siregar2023Lejeuneaceae (Subfamily: Lejeuneoideae) of Mount Sibuatan, North Sumatra, IndonesiaFloribunda7(2): 92-106
JapanFuruki, T. & M. Mizutani1994Checklist of Japanese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae, 1993Proc. Bryol. Soc. Japan6: 75–83
LaosSöderström, L., A. Hagborg, T. Pócs & M. von Konrat2020Listing the unknown—checklist of liverworts and hornworts of LaosBryoph. Diversity & Evol.42(1): 19–31
MexicoFulford, M. H. & A. J. Sharp1990The leafy Hepaticae of Mexico one hundred and twenty-seven years after C. M. GottscheMem. New York Bot. Gard.63: 1–86
MexicoHidalgoTepehuacán de GuerreroJuárez-López, J. F., A. Sánchez-González, M. López-Herrera & D. Martínez-Cabrera2023Richness and altitudinal distribution of epiphytic liverworts from the cloud forest of Hidalgo, MexicoPolibotánica56: 1–16
Society Islands (French Polynesia)Bardat, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, S. Leblond & S. R. Gradstein2021Checklist of the liverworts and hornworts of French PolynesiaCryptog., Bryol.42(6): 73–116
South KoreaChoi, S. S., V. A. Bakalin & S.-J. Park2021Integrating continental mainland and islands in temperate East Asia: liverworts and hornworts of the Korean PeninsulaPhytoKeys176: 131–226
TogoAbalo-Loko, G. A., A. K. Guelly, M. J. Wigginton & C. Reeb2019Checklist of liverworts and hornworts of TogoCryptog., Bryol.40(18): 233–245
United StatesNorth CarolinaHicks, M. L.1992(none)Guide Liverw. North Carolinavii + 239 pp
VenezuelaPócs, T.2021New or little-known epiphyllous liverworts, XXIV. A collection made in the Venezuelan Guayana at the foot of Salto Angel with description of Cololejeunea benceiActa Bot. Hung.63(3--4): 417-426
VietnamPócs, T.2023New or little known epiphyllous liverworts, XXVI. Records of last century Vietnam collectionsFrahmia34: 1-10
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