Hymenophyton divaricans Mitt. ex Bonner
Hymenophyton furcatum Pearson
Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier. 1983. Prodromus florae hepaticarum Polynesiae, with a key to genera. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 25: 424 pp.
Thouvenot, L., S. R. Gradstein, A. Hagborg, L. Söderström & J. Bardat. 2011. Checklist of the liverworts and hornworts of New Caledonia. Cryptog., Bryol. 32(4): 287–390.
Hymenophyton leptopodum (Hook. f. & Taylor) A. Evans
Hamlin, B. G. 1972. Hepaticae of New Zealand, parts I and II. Index of binomials and preliminary checklist. Rec. Domin. Mus. 7(19): 243–366.
Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier. 1983. Prodromus florae hepaticarum Polynesiae, with a key to genera. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 25: 424 pp.
Hymenophyton muelleri (Gottsche) A. Evans
Scott, G. A. M. & J. A. Bradshaw. 1985 [1986]. Australian liverworts (Hepaticae): annotated list of binomials and check-list of published species with bibliography. Brunonia 8(1): 171 pp.
Jungermannia leptopoda Hook. f. & Taylor
Hamlin, B. G. 1972. Hepaticae of New Zealand, parts I and II. Index of binomials and preliminary checklist. Rec. Domin. Mus. 7(19): 243–366.
Jungermannia palmata Thouars
Grolle, R. 1987. Miscellanea hepaticologica 251--260. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63: 437–443.
Váňa, J. & J. J. Engel. 2013. The liverworts and hornworts of the Tristan da Cunha group of islands in the South Atlantic Ocean. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 105: i–x, 1–137.
Metzgeria rugulosa Colenso
Hamlin, B. G. 1972. Hepaticae of New Zealand, parts I and II. Index of binomials and preliminary checklist. Rec. Domin. Mus. 7(19): 243–366.
Symphyogyna foetida Colenso
Hamlin, B. G. 1972. Hepaticae of New Zealand, parts I and II. Index of binomials and preliminary checklist. Rec. Domin. Mus. 7(19): 243–366.
Symphyogyna leptopoda (Hook. f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees
Hamlin, B. G. 1972. Hepaticae of New Zealand, parts I and II. Index of binomials and preliminary checklist. Rec. Domin. Mus. 7(19): 243–366.
Symphyogyna longistipa Colenso
Hamlin, B. G. 1972. Hepaticae of New Zealand, parts I and II. Index of binomials and preliminary checklist. Rec. Domin. Mus. 7(19): 243–366.
Symphyogyna megalolepis Colenso
Hamlin, B. G. 1972. Hepaticae of New Zealand, parts I and II. Index of binomials and preliminary checklist. Rec. Domin. Mus. 7(19): 243–366.
Symphyogyna platycalyptra Colenso
Hamlin, B. G. 1972. Hepaticae of New Zealand, parts I and II. Index of binomials and preliminary checklist. Rec. Domin. Mus. 7(19): 243–366.
Symphyogyna platystipa Colenso
Hamlin, B. G. 1972. Hepaticae of New Zealand, parts I and II. Index of binomials and preliminary checklist. Rec. Domin. Mus. 7(19): 243–366.
Umbraculum andinum Mitt.
Umbraculum muelleri Gottsche
Scott, G. A. M. & J. A. Bradshaw. 1985 [1986]. Australian liverworts (Hepaticae): annotated list of binomials and check-list of published species with bibliography. Brunonia 8(1): 171 pp.