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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/22/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/22/2013)
Species Spathodea campanulata Beauvois
PlaceOfPublication Fl. Oware 1: 47. tab. 27. 1805.
Description Tree to at least 25 m tall and 40 cm d.b.h. Leaves imparipinnate, usually 9-15-foliolate, the leaflets more or less elliptic, acute to acuminate, asymmetrically subtruncate or widely cuneate basally, subsessile, slightly puberulous along main veins. Inflorescence a terminal raceme, the lower pedicels longer and curving upward to give a flat-topped effect. Flowers with the calyx spathaceous taper- ing to a recurved point which bends away from the corolla, 4.5-5 cm long; corolla red-orange with a yellow border, broadly campanulate above a cylindrical base, large, 8.5-9.0 cm long and 4.5-5.0 cm wide at the mouth, the tube 6-6.5 cm long, the lobes 1.5-2 cm long, glabrous; stamens 4, subexserted, held against the floor of the tube, the anther thecae divaricate, slender, 8 mm long; ovary narrowly oblong, minutely papillate, the ovules m-ulti-seriate in each locule.
Habit Tree
Note Capsule narrowly oblong-elliptic, dehiscing on one side, the valves boat-shaped, narrowing to the ends, 17-25 cm long and 3.5-7 cm broad; seeds thin, winged, the wings broad and hyaline-membranaceous, sharply demarcated. A native of tropical Africa, S. campanulata is planted extensively as an ornamental and shade tree throughout the tropics. Its bright-colored, showy flowers are produced during most of the year and make it one of the most attractive and best known species of Bignoniaceae. In the neotropics it often sets fruit and at times is spontaneous though seldom naturalized. "African tulip tree."
Common African tulip tree
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Croat 5177, 8890 (both MO). Summit Garden, Gentry 700B (MO). Curundu, Tyson 2042 (MO, SCZ).
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