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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/21/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/21/2013)
Species Arrabidaea florida DC.
PlaceOfPublication Prodr. 9: 184. 1845.
Note TYPE: Brazil, Amazonas, Martius s.n. (G-DC, K, M )
Synonym Vasconcellia florida Mart. ex DC., Prodr. 9: 184. 1845, pro syn. Arrabidaea divaricata Bur. & K. Schum., Fl. Bras. 8(2): 33. 1896. TYPE: Peru, Tarapoto, Spruce 4410 (K, NY). Bignonia nitida Britton ex Bur. & K. Schum. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 8(2): 34. 1896, pro syn. TYPE: Bolivia, Mapiri, Rusby 1131 (MO, NY). Arrabidaea panamensis Sprague, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2. 6: 371. 1906. TYPE: Panama, Canal Zone, Hayes 735 (BM, K). Arrabidaea cardenasii Rusby, Mem. New York Bot. Card. 7: 351. 1927. TYPE: Bolivia, Rurrenabaque, Cardenas 2037 (NY).
Description Liana to 5 cm in diameter, the bark gray, inconspicuously longitudinally striate; stem with 4 phloem arms in cross section; branchlets terete, with raised warty lenticels, minutely scabrous when young, soon glabrate, without inter- petiolar glandular fields; pseudostipules inconspicuous or lacking. Leaves 3- foliolate or 2-foliolate with a tendril or tendril scar; leaflets ovate to broadly ovate, acute to acuminate, broadly cuneate to truncate, more or less chartaceous, secondary nerves 4-7 on each side, beneath with scattered lepidote scales, above puberulous on the midvein, beneath puberulous on the main veins, drying olive green to olive gray, the terminal leaflet 8.5-14 cm long and 4.8-8.4 cm wide; lateral leaflets 5-10.6 cm long and 4-6.3 cm wide; petiole and petiolules puberulous, terminal petiolule 0.9-2.6 cm long, lateral petiolules 0.5-2.7 cm long, petiole 0.9-6.2 cm long; tendril simple, 2.5-8 cm long. Inflorescence a terminal or axillary panicle of several to many dense trichotomous corymbs with long (1-5 cm) peduncles, its branches puberulous. Flowers sweetly aromatic, calyx cupular, 5-denticulate, 3-4 mm long and 2-3 mm wide, eglandular, simple- puberulous; corolla lavender with the tube white inside or white with purple filaments, abruptly campanulate, 1.2-1.7 cm long and 0.5-0.7 cm wide at the mouth of tube, the tube 0.7-1.2 cm long, the lobes 0.4-0.6 cm long, pubescent outside, on the lobes inside and on the bases of the stamens and staminode; stamens didynamous, subexserted, the anther thecae divaricate, 1.5 mm long, the longer filaments 0.8-0.9 cm long, the shorter filaments 0.5-0.7 cm long, the staminode 0.3-0.4 cm long, inserted 2-4 mm from the base of the corolla tube; pistil 0.8-1.0 cm long, the ovary linear-cylindric, 1-1.5 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, lepidote, the ovules 2-seriate; disc pulvinate, 1.0-1.5 mm long and 0.5 mm wide. Capsule linear, acuminate, compressed, 11-22 cm long and 0.9-1.0 cm wide, scattered lepidote, obscurely and minutely pitted, drying dark gray, the midrib and margins inconspicuously raised; seeds thin, bialate, 0.5-1.0 cm long and 2.3-3.6 cm wide, the wings hyaline-membranaceous, sharply demarcated from the seed body.
Habit Liana
Note Mostly occuring in tropical moist forest, also in premontane wet forest, this species is never common. It ranges from British Honduras to Bolivia. The plant flowers during the wet season from July to October (November). Recognition of sterile plants is difficult, because of lack of noteworthy char- acters-no interpetiolar glands, no pseudostipules, tendrils not forked, leaves not noticeably pubescent. This species is vegetatively similar to Adenocalymma apurense (H.B.K.) Sandw. but lacks cartilaginous margins on the leaflets. It could also be confused with Tynnanthus croatianus A. Gentry which has trifid tendrils. The typically short flowers of the Panamanian.-plants has led to their segre- gation as Arrabidaea panamensis. Since in all other characters, A. panamensis is identical with A. florida and size alone is an elusive character in this family, it is best to consider the Panamanian plants a form of A. florida, especially inasmuch as there is some overlap in the range of corolla size.
Distribution ranges from British Honduras to Bolivia.
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Aviles s.n. (MO); Bailey & Bailey 560 (CH); Bangham 449 (A), 465, pro parte (A, F), 465A (A); Chickering 59 (F); Croat 11122 (MO, NY, SCZ), 11798 (MO, SCZ), 12647 (MO); Foster 1081 (PMA), 1338 (MO); Shattuck 1036 (F, MO); Starry 149 (F, MO). Vicinity of Camboa, Allen 1968 (F, MO, NY, US). Caillard Highway 2 mi. NW of Summit Garden, Croat 11893 (MO, SCZ). Along old Camboa road between Summit Hills Golf Course and Summit Radio Station, Croat 16664 (MO). Pipe- line Road, D'Arcy 6019 (C, MO, PMA, UCWI); Gentry 1430, 4787, 5065 (all MO). Across from Summit Hills Golf Course, Gentry 1588, 1605, 2818 (all MO), 1774 (MO, SCZ). Rio Crande Station, Panama Railroad, Hayes 735 (BM, K). Farfan Beach road, Kirkbride & Elias 60 (MO, NY, SCZ). DARIEN: Vicinity of Boca de Cupe, Allen 909 (F, GH, MO, NY, US). Rio Balsa between Quebrada Chusomocatre and Rio Areti, Duke 8707 (MO). Rio Pifias, Duke 10577 (MO). Rio Tuira between Rios Punusa and Mangle, Duke 14577 (MO). Shore near Majagualito across from La Palma, Gentry 3990 (MO). Above jaque, Gentry 4176 (MO). S of Jaque, Gentry 4279 (MO). Rio Paya from Rio Tuira to village of Paya, Gentry 4388 (MO). PANAMA: Entrado a Nuevo Emperador cerca de Arraijan, Bakes 11 (MO, PMA); This content downloaded from on Tue, 14 May 2013 16:10:35 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions814 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN [VOL. 60 Castillo 14 (MO); Guerra 11 (PMA). Cerro Campana above Su-Lin Motel, Gentry 1844 (MO). Rio Tatare, Woodson & Schery 1017 (CH, MO) . WITHOUT LOCALITY: Bristan 746 (MO).
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