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Arrabidaea patellifera (Schltdl.) Sandwith Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/21/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/21/2013)
Species Arrabidaea patellifera (Schlecht.) Sandw.
PlaceOfPublication Kew Bull. 22: 413. 1968.
Synonym Bignonia patellifera Schlecht., Linnaea 8: 516. 1833. TYPE: Mexico, Hacienda de la Laguna, Schiede & Deppe 153 (BM, MO). Bignonia cupulata Splitg., Tijdschr. Natuurl. Gesch. Physiol. 9: 6. 1842. TYPE: Brazil, Para (not seen). Tabebuia neurophylla Miq., Linnaea 26: 219. 1853. TYPE: Surinam, Kappler 1957 (C, U). Petastoma patelliferum (Schlecht.) Miers, Proc. Roy. Hort. Soc. 3: 195. 1863. Arrabidaea pentstemonoides Kranzl., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 370. 1915. TYPE: Brazil, Rio Acre, Ule 9780 (K). Cuspidaria mollis Kranzl., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 376. 1915. TYPE: (not seen). Petastoma broadwayi Sprague & Riley, Kew Bull. 1921: 311. 1921. TYPE: Trinidad, Broadway 4164 (K, NY). Petastoma breviflorum Standl., Jour. Arnold Arbor. 11: 128. 1930. TYPE: Panama, Barro Colorado Island, Bangham 465, pro parte (A, F). Petastoma domatiatum Sampaio, Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro 12: 87. 1931. TYPE: Brazil, Amazonas, Ducke 24089 (K). Petastoma pentstemonoides (Kranzl.) Sandw., Kew Bull. 43: 7. 1959. Arrabidaea broadwayi (Sprague & Riley) Sandw., Kew Bull. 22: 414. 1968.
Description Liana to at least 5 cm in diameter, the bark light gray; stem with 4 phloem arms in cross section; branchlets light gray or brown usually with raised whitish lenticels, glabrous to lepidote or scabrous, the nodes without interpetiolar glan- dular fields, often with a ridge connecting opposite petioles; pseudostipules usually lacking, when present foliaceous, small, soon deciduous. Leaves simple or 2-foliolate, sometimes with a tendril; leaflets (or leaf blades) ovate to rhombic- ovate, sometimes serrate, acuminate to obtuse, broadly cuneate to rounded 4.7- 14.5 cm long and 2.9-10.5 cm wide, membranaceous, the secondary veins 4-6 on a side, the basal nerves often making more acute angle with midvein than upper nerves, somewhat lepidote above and beneath, conspicuously simple- puberulous beneath mostly on the nerves, less so above (rarely glabrate, e.g. Gentry 1955), drying more or less olive, the pubescent veins lighter beneath; tendril simple, 4-16 cm long; petiole and petiolules conspicuously pubescent with long simple trichomes, petiolules 0.5-2.2 cm long and petiole 0.7-1.9 cm long in compound leaves, petiole 1.1-3.5 cm long in simple leaves. Inflorescence an axillary or terminal, usually many-flowered panicle, the branches puberulent and lepidote, the buds appearing conspicuously white-tipped from the pubes- cent corolla lobes. Flowers sweetly aromatic, calyx open, patelliform, more or less truncate, 1-4 mm long and 4-8 mm wide, scattered lepidote and simple- pubescent, glands absent; corolla magenta, the throat usually white with magenta ridges, sometimes wholly magenta, campanulate above the narrowed base, 2.2- 4.3 cm long and 0.5-1.7 cm wide at the mouth, the tube 1.4-2.6 cm long with basal constriction 0.5-0.8 cm long, the lobes 0.4-1-2 cm long; the tube glabrate outside with occasional widely scattered lepidote scales or simple trichomes, the lobes densely simple pubescent, tube glabrous inside except for gland- tipped trichomes at the level of stamen insertion; stamens didynamous, anther thecae divaricate, bent forward slightly, 1.5-2 mm long, the longer filaments 1.1-1.3 cm long, the shorter filaments 0.8-1.0 cm long; the staminode 3-4 mm long, inserted 5-7 mm above the base of the corolla tube; pistil 1.5-2.3 cm long, the ovary linear, 1.5-2.5 mm long and 0.5-1 mm wide, slightly lepidote, the ovules 2-seriate; disc annular-pulvinate, 0.5-1 mm long and 1.5-2 mm wide. Capsule linear, acute, flattened, 11-39 cm long and 0.9-1.4 cm wide, the midrib appearing as a slightly raised line, the surface generally minutely papillose and smooth, rougher on the slightly raised margins with a few scattered trichomes and lepidote scales; seeds 0.7-1.0 cm long and 2.5-3.9 cm wide, the wings membranaceous with hyaline ends distinct from the brown bases, the wing bases not demarcated from the seed body.
Habit Liana
Note A widespread liana common in the tropical dry forest and premontane moist forest, it becomes less common in tropical moist forest and rare in tropical wet forest. It ranges from Mexico to Brazil. This species flowers during the wet season from June to November, also rarely and irregularly in January or Feb- ruary. The wind-dispersed seeds are released in mid dry season. Useful vegetative charcters are the typically strongly pubescent main veins beneath, the pubescent petioles and petiolules, and the frequent simple leaves. The sharp angle of the basal lateral veins with the midvein is another diagnostic character. The reflexed patelliform calyx and white-tipped bud are distinctive, but the fruit is similar to that of several other species of Arrabidaea. Petastoma breviflorum is no more than a form with atypically short corollas; while I have seen no other specimens of A. patellifera with such short corollas, intensive collecting on Barro Colorado Island has turned up no additional material of this sort. Even greater variation in corolla length is well documented within other species of Bignoniaceae, even on the same plant.
Distribution ranges from Mexico to Brazil.
Note Both the segregating characters (larger calyx and less pubescent or almost glabrous leaves) of Arrabidaea broadwayi from Trinidad are within the range of variation of A. patellifera. Also falling into this category are P. domatiatum and A. pentstemonoides. Arrabidaea patellifera itself is close to A. samydoides (Cham.) Sandw. of Brazil. Should they prove synonymous, the Brazilian name would have to be adopted.
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Aviles 118, 889 (both F); Bailey & Bailey 280 (F, CH); Bangham 465 (A, F), 553 (A); Croat 5222 (NY, SCZ), 6065 (MO, SCZ), 6654, 6724, 9794, 10895 (all MO), 11126 (F, MO, NY, SCZ), 13161 (MO, SCZ), 13244A, 15144 (both MO); Dodge & Woodworth 3506 (GH, NY, US); Ebinger 276 (MO, US); Foster 1024 (MO, PMA), 1338B (MO); Kenoyer 531 (US); Shattuck 258 (A, F, MO), 300 (F, MO), 889 (MO); Starry 202 (F, MO); Wetmore & Abbe 71 (A, F, MO), 163 (A, F, MO); Wetmore & Woodworth 78 (F); Woodson & Schery 970 (CGH, MO); Woodworth & Vestal 360 (MO). Near water reservoir W of Cocoli, Croat 9162 (MO, SCZ). Ancon Hill, Duke 4606 (K, MO). Pipeline road, Gentry 1585, 1955 (both MO). Road K-10, Gentry 1961 (MO, SCZ). Between Corozal and Ancon, Pittier 6771 (NY, US). Balboa, Standley 26991 (MO, US). Vicinity of Miraflores near mouth of Cocoli River, White 128 (GH, MO). Fort Kobbe road, Woodson et al. 1416 (A, MO, NY). CHIRIQUi: Trail from San--Felix to Cerro Flor, Allen 1918 (MO). E of Gualaca, Allen 5031 (MO). DARIEN: Rio Chica vicinity of Yaviza, Allen 4577 (F, K, MO, P, US). Between Quebrada Venado and Peje swamp on headwaters of Rio Tuqueza, Bristan 1054 (F, MO, NY). Rio Ucurganti, Bristan 1156 (MO). Tumaganti, Duke 14146 (MO, SCZ). Trail to Cerro Pirre, Gentry 4608 (MO). HIERRERA: Road from La Arena to Pese, Burch et al. 1284 (MO). Road between Las Minas and Pese, Duke 12333 (MO). E of Las Minas, Gentry 3136, 3141, 3147 (all MO). PANAMA: Vicinity of Arraijain, Allen 1621 (F, GH, MO, NY, US). SE part of Gatun Lake near Rio Pescado, Bartlett & Lasser 16595 (MO). Rio Charco-Espiritu on Tocumen Highway, Duke 5703 (MO, SCZ). Bald savanna- like areas along road toward top of Cerro Campana, Duke 5977 (GH, MO). Rio Maestro, Gentry 2234 (MO). Rio Pasiga, Gentry 2351 (MO). Near Rio Espave, Gentry 3707 (MO). Chiman, Lewis et al. 3352 (MO, SCZ). Cerro Campana, McDaniel 6811A (MO). Rio Tapia, Standley 28131 (US). VERAGUAS: Santiago toward Atalaya, Dwyer & Kirkbride 7401 (GH, K, MO, US). 2 mi. W of Santiago, Dwyer et al. 7559 (MO). S of Santa Fe, Gentry 2936 (MO). Vicinity of Santiago, Stern et al. 997 (GH, MO). 2 mi. S Caniazas, Tyson 3729 (MO).
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