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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/8/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/8/2012)
Genus PALMORCHIS Barb. Rodr.
PlaceOfPublication Gen. & Sp. Orch. Nov. 1:169. 1877
Reference Schweinf. & Correll in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 8:109. 1940.
Synonym Jenmania Rolfe in Kew Bull. 198. 1898, non Wichter, 1897. Rolfea Zahlbr. in Jour. Bot. 36:493. 1898. Neobartlettia Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 16:440. 1920.
Description Large or small, terrestrial, reed-like herbs. Leaves pergameneous, plicate- veined, petiolate, usually few. Inflorescence a terminal or axillary raceme or panicle. Sepals equal or nearly so, connivent or somewhat spreading. Petals similar to the sepals but narrower and shorter. Lip erect from the base of the column and adnate with it toward the base along the median line, broader than the sepals and petals, enfolding the column, retuse or 3-lobed; the disc pubescent or glabrous, callused. Column elongated, slender, more or less arcuate, footless; anther incumbent, operculate, the terminal part fleshy and sterile; pollinia 4, pyriform, granular or subceraceous.
Note A small genus allied to Sobralia. There are eight or nine species with the center of distribution in northern South America. Specimens have not been often collected.
Key a. Disc of the lip without parallel lamellae; flowers about 13 mm. long .... 1. P. TRILOBULATA aa. Disc of the lip with 5 parallel lamellae; flowers about 17 mm. long ...... 2. P. POWELLII
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