Perennial herbs often stoloniferous, branched mostly from the base, erect or suberect, pubescent with simple or forked, appressed hairs, rarely glabrous, leafy. Basal leaves oblong-elliptic, stalked; cauline leaves sessile, lanceolate to ovate-oblong, with somewhat narrowed base, auricled (rarely auricle suppressed), amplexicaul, ± dentate, sometimes almost entire. Racemes and flowers similar to Lepidium but nectar glands different; not fragmentary, middle often joining the laterals and narrow, lateral extended and often in fused pairs. Ovary 2-4-ovuled, elliptic to suborbicular, with usually equally long style, bilocular, glabrous or minutely pubescent. Siliculae ovate, subglobose to orbicular, inflated to laterally flattened or subcompressed, bilocular indehiscent; valves ± membranous, convex to flattened, glabrous to pubescent, reticulately veined to almost smooth; septum present, windowed, narrow, membranous, not veined;seed 1 (-2) maturing in fruit (and thus usually making the fruit oblique or asymmetrical), ellipsoid, pendulous, reddish-brown; radicle incumbent.