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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/29/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/29/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Spec. PI. 1036. 1753.
Synonym Papaya [Tourn.] Adans. Fam. P1. 2:357. 1763. Vasconcellea St. Hil. 2e. Mem. Resed. 13. 1837.
Description Dioecious or monoecious trees and shrubs, the thick succulent trunk usually unbranched. Leaves simple and palmately lobed in the Panamanian species, long- petiolate. Inflorescences in the axils of the uppermost leaves, thyrsiflorous, the staminate extensive and many-flowered, the pistillate reduced and with fewer larger flowers. Calyx 5-lobed, inconspicuous. Corolla salverform in the staminate flowers, campanulate in the pistillate, the limb 5-lobed, alternisepalous. Stamens 10, the connective occasionally produced at the tip. Ovary usually 1-celled, usually septate at the base, containing numerous ovules on parietal placentas. Berry broadly ovoid-pyriform, i-celled.
Note Although the papaya is one of the most common and favorite fruits of the tropics, appearing to the outlander like some celestial melon, the genus is in a state of botanical confusion with at least 50 poorly defined "species" ranging from Mexico to Argentina and in the Antilles. It has been introduced into the Eastern Hemisphere since long ago and frequently escapes.
Common papaya
Key a. Leaves with 7 palmate primary veins, usually with 7 deeply and irregu- larly pinnatifid segments; pistil of pistillate flowers with 5 dichotomous or trichotomous stigma lobes; staminate flowers with broadly deltoid calyx lobes about 1 mm. long and yellow or white corollas 3-4 cm. long. 1. C. PAPAYA aa. Leaves with 5 palmate primary veins, with 5 shallow segments each with 1-2 broad lateral lobes; pistil of pistillate flowers with 5 linear un- divided stigma lobes (presumptive for C. chiriquensis). b. Leaves and inflorescences glabrous or essentially so, the middle seg- ment of the leaves 3-lobed, the 4 lateral segments unlobed; (staminate flowers with white corollas about 4 cm. long and ovate calyx lobes about 1 mm. long?) .............. . . ................ ..... 2. C. CUCURBITIFOLIA bb. Leaves and inflorescences rather sparsely villous, the middle segment of the leaves 3-lobed, the 4 lateral segments with a single broadly acute lobe; staminate flowers with pale green corollas 1.5-2.5 cm. long and lanceolate calyx lobes about 3 mm. long....................................... 3. C. CHIRIQUENSIS
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