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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/1/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/1/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Enum. PI. 4:129. 1843.
Synonym Piaropus Raf. Fl. Tell. 2:81. 1837. Nomen rejiciendum. Leptosomus Schlecht. Abh. Nat. Ges. Halle 6:174. 1862. Cabanisia KI.; Schlecht. loc. cit. 176. 1862.
Description Perennial aquatic herbs. Leaves petiolate, blade expanded, petiole often in- flated. Inflorescence spicate and with a basal spathe. Perianth showy, 6-parted, somewhat bilabiate, with outer perianth lobes narrower than the inner; upper petal expanded and with yellow spot. Stamens 6, unequal, the 3 shorter included with- in the throat. Ovary superior, 3-celled, many-ovulate; style elongate; stigma hairy. Fruit a capsule.
Key a. Petioles more or less inflated; plant with a short, condensed stem, many roots springing from the base; perianth lobes entire - - 1. E. CRASSIPES aa. Petioles not inflated; plant with ascending stem, roots often springing from the nodes; margin of perianth lobes erose -- 2. E. AZUREA
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