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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/15/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/15/2013)
Genus Lamourouxia H.B.K.
PlaceOfPublication Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 2, ed. folio 269; ed. quarto 335. 1817 [1818].
Note nomen cons. vs. Lamourouxia C.A. Agardh. 1817. (Algae). LECTOTYPE: L. multifida H.B.K.,8 type cons.
Description Erect perennial herbs or slender shrubs; roots fibrous or arising from a stout caudex, perhaps parasitic on other plants. Leaves opposite, often reduced up- wards, dentate, serrate or narrowly pinnatisect and appearing compound, mostly pubescent with simple, glandular or branched hairs, sometimes scabrous, short petiolate or sessile. Inflorescences terminal racemes, the pedicels short, subtended by foliose bracts. Flowers with the calyx cupular or campanulate, 10-nerved, 4(5) lobed to about 1/2 way down, the lobes obtuse, deltoid or linear; corolla showy red, orange, yellow or white, tubular, tomentose outside, and sometimes within, 2-lipped, the lobes short, mostly recurved; stamens 4 or 2 and 2 staminodes, the filaments inserted low on the tube, the lower (dorsal) anthers situated against the upper corolla lip, barely exserted, the upper two anthers situated lower in the tube against the lower side, sometimes reduced to tufts of hairs, the anthers U-shaped, sometimes auriculate or pointed, mostly pilose; ovary 2-locular, narrow, the style slender, the stigma punctiform. Capsule ovoid or elliptical, exserted from the calyx which tardily ruptures, loculicidally dehiscent, the valves some- times beaked; seeds numerous, ellipsoidal or oblong, the testa light colored, honeycomblike.
Habit herbs or slender shrubs
Distribution Lamourouxia is a genus of about 26 species ranging from Mexico to Peru.
Note The plants are usually recognizable by their slender, often wandlike stems with numerous small leaves, and tubular, pubescent, red or orange flowers. Ernst (1972) divided the genus into three sections based primarily on the degree of reduction of the upper (shorter) pair of stamens. The two Panamanian species are members of sect. Hemispadon which has only two fully developed anthers, the other two rudimentary. Lamourouxia lanceolata Benth., also of sect. Hemi- spadon which has only two fully developed anthers, the other two rudimentary. Lamourouxia lanceolata Benth., also of sect. Hemispadon, occurs from Costa Rica to Mexico and may be expected in Panama. Lamourouxia lanceolata differs from the two species now known from Panama in having narrow leaves which are glabrous above and calyces which are glabrous to scurfy pulverulent with indiscernible hairs. Lamourouxia virgata H.B.K. occurs in the mountains of Colombia but does not reach Panama or Central America. It is a member of sect. Adelphidion which has reduced but still functional upper (ventral) anthers situated against the lower side of the corolla.
Reference Ernst, W. R. 1972. Floral morphology and systematics of Lamourouxia (Scroph- ulariaceae: Rhinanthoideae). Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 6: 1-63.
Key a. Leaves scabrous above, basally obtuse; calyx mostly lacking glandular hairs ...... 1. L. gutierrezii aa. Leaves softly pubescent above, basally truncate to auriculate; calyx with copious, glandular hairs ...... 2. L. viscosa
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