(Last Modified On 5/10/2013)
(Last Modified On 5/10/2013)
Lantana L.
Sp. PI. 626. 1753
Camara L., Gen. PI., ed. 5. 275. 1754, pro syn. Kamara Adans., Fam. PI. 2: 12. 1763. Charachera Forsk. ex Bartl., Ord. Nat. Plant. 178. 1830. Riedelia Chain., Linnaea 7: 240. 1832. Tamonopsis Griseb., Abh. Kbnigl. Ges. Wiss. GCttingen 19: 246. 1874.
Erect herbs or shrubs, sometimes subscandent, scandent, or prostrate, usually more or less scabrous and hirtous-pubescent or tomentose with simple trichomes. Leaves opposite or ternate (rarely quaternate), dentate, often rugose. Inflores- cences dense cylindric spikes or contracted to form heads, usually axillary, pedun- culate. Flowers sessile, borne in the axils of solitary, oblong, lanceolate, or ovate, often apically acuminate, and spreading or subimbricate bractlets. Flowers with the calyx small, membranous, truncate and entire or sinuate-dentate; corolla hypocrateriform, red or yellow to blue or white, the tube cylindric, slender, equal in diameter throughout or slightly ampliate above, the limb spreading, regularly or obscurely 2-lipped, 4-5-fid, the lobes broadly obtuse or retuse apically; stamens 4, didynamous, inserted at about the middle of the corolla-tube, included, the anthers ovate, with parallel thecae; gynoecium 1-carpelled, the ovary 2-loculed, the ovules 1 per locule, basal and erect or attached laterally near the base of each locule, the style usually short, the stigma rather thick, oblique or sublateral. Fruits drupaceous, the exocarp usually more or less fleshy (rarely dry), the endo- carp hard, 2-loculed or splitting into 2, I-loculed pyrenes; seeds without endo- sperm.
herbs or shrubs
A complex genus of about 244 specific and subspecific entities, mostly natives of subtropical and tropical America; a few also in tropical Asia and Africa; several are widely cultivated under hundreds of cultivar names.
Interspecific hybridiza- tion is probably widespread in the genus.
a. Inflorescence conspicuously elongate and cylindric-spiciform, at least after anthesis. b. Stems usually appressed-pubescent or strigose. c. Leaves usually all ternate ...... 1. L. trifolia cc. Most or all the principal leaves decussate-opposite la. L. trifolia fo. oppositifolia bb. Stems conspicuously and densely spreading-hirsute. d. Leaf-blades thin-textured in drying, lightly puberulent beneath ...... lb. L. trifolia fo. hirsuta dd. Leaf-blades heavy when dry, coarsely and conspicuously hirsute-hispid ...... 2. L. maxima aa. Inflorescence capitate, not elongate-spiciform, flat or globose in age. e. Pubescence on stems glandular-capitate ...... 3. L. glandulosissima ee. Pubescence not noticeably glandular. f. Lowest bractlets much larger than the rest, conspicuous, ovate, often subinvolucrate. g. Upper stems and foliage more or less densely velutinous or subvelutinous. h. Corolla white ...... 4. L. velutina hh. Corolla lilac, magenta, or violet ...... 4a. L. velutina fo. violacea gg. Upper stems and foliage densely puberulent, pubescent, appressed-strigillose, or glabrescent. i. Leaf-blades obtuse or rounded apically, pubescent beneath ...... 7. L. involucrata fo. rubella ii. Leaf-blades sharply acute or acuminate apically, lightly strigillose or glabrescent beneath, revealing the densely resinous-punctate lamina. j. Leaf-blades 7-12.5 cm long, the marginal teeth sparse, mostly triangularand sharply acute; bractlets narrowly elliptic, to 2 cm long ...... 8. L. grosseserrata jj. Leaf-blades 1.5-8.5 cm long, the marginal teeth numerous, close to- gether, mostly obtuse or rounded; bractlets ovate, less than 2 cm long. k. Leaf-blades broadly ovate, coarsely serrate, the venation not con- spicuously reticulate-bullate; lowermost bractlets broadly ovate, each more than 1 cm long ...... 9. L. costaricensis kk. Leaf-blades narrowly lanceolate, ovate-oblong to ovate or elliptic, finely serrulate, the venation mostly conspicuously reticulate and more or less bullate; lowermost bractlets ovate, less than or to 1 cm long ...... 5. L. hirta ff. Lowest bractlets not conspicuously larger than the rest nor broadly ovate. 1. Pubescence on well-developed stems, peduncles, and foliage densely long- hirsute, hispid, or setulose ...... 6. L. hispida 11. Pubescence on stems, peduncles, and foliage neither long-hirsute nor setulose (or hispid-hirsute only on immature growth). m. Pubescence on peduncles and branches densely short-hirsutulous; leaves usually densely puberulent or short-pubescent on both surfaces, especially beneath ...... 10. L. moritziana mm. Pubescence on peduncles and branches minute and inconspicuous; leaves usually merely scabrellous above and sparsely scattered-pilosulous or strigillose beneath, sometimes glabrescent. n. Stems and branches conspicuously prickly lib. L. camara var. aculeata nn. Stems and branches mostly unarmed or with inconspicuous scattered prickles. o. Young growth puberulent or short-pubescent ...... 11. L. camara oo. Young growth densely spreading-hirsute ...... 11a; L. camara var. mista
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