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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/28/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/28/2013)
Genus Carpotroche Endl.
PlaceOfPublication Gen. P1. 918, 1839.
Description Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, short- to long-petiolate, the stipules early caducous, the blade entire-margined or the margins mostly serrate. Flowers odori- ferous, rather large, monoecious, dioecious or rarely polygamo-dioecious, the stami- nate flowers axillary, in short racemes or almost fasciculate, the pistillate ones axillary and solitary or few-fasciculate; sepals 2-3, imbricate, persistent; petals 4-12, 4 biseriate, imbricate; stamens oo (pistillate flowers lacking any rudiments of stamens), the filaments short, inserted on a slightly thickened torus, pubescent, the anthers linear, basifixed, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary superior (no rudimen- tary ovary in staminate flowers), longitudinally costate, l-locular, the placentas 4-8, many-ovulate; styles isomerous with the placentas, short, persistent, the stigmas scarcely capitellate. Fruits capsular, rather large, coriaceous to ligneous, longitudi- nally alate, the wings up to 16, large and undulated, crowned by the persistent styles, indehiscent; seeds numerous, smooth, immersed in a fleshy pulp; albumen copious; embryo straight; cotyledons foliaceous.
Habit Shrubs or trees
Distribution A neotropical genus of about 20 species; one species reported from Panama.
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