(Last Modified On 3/14/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/14/2013)
Laplacea H.B.K.
Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 5: 161, t. 461, 1822, nom. gen. conserv.
Wikstroemia Schrader, Gdtting. Gel. Anzeig. 1821(71):710, 1821.
Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, the blade symmetrical or asymmetrical, membranous to coriaceous, the margins dentate to entire. Flowers mostly solitary in the axils of the uppermost leaves, , pedicellate, 2-3-bracteolate, the bracteoles sepaloid and caducous; sepals usually 5, unequal, coriaceous, caducous or persistent; petals usually 5, unequal, connate basally, deeply cleft at the apex or not; stamens oo, many-seriate, the filaments usually adnate to the base of the petals, sometimes connate at the base or throughout and forming a staminal tube free from the petals, the anthers versatile, glabrous; ovary superior, (4-)5(-6-10)-celled, the ovules 4-many in each cell, with as many divergent styles as cells in the ovary or with the stigmas sessile or nearly so. Capsules ? ligneous, loculicidally dehiscent nearly to the base, the columella persistent; seeds numerous, flat or compressed, alate; endosperm none or scant; embryo straight; cotyledons thick and fleshy.
Trees shrubs
A neotropical genus of eight species; two species, at present, reported from Panama.
Kobuski, C. E. Studies in the Theaceae, XX. Notes on the South and Central American species of Lap lacea. Jour. Arnold Arb. 31: 405-429, 1950.
a. Leaf blades markedly asymmetrical; sepals deciduous ............. 1. L. fruticosa aa. Leaf blades symmetrical; sepals persistent ..................... 2. L. grandis
Project Name