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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/27/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/27/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1. 375. 1753.
Description Small trees or shrubs, the branches prominently armed. Leaves twice-pinnate,
Habit tree shrub
Description although sometimes not obviously so because of (1) frequent fall of ultimate leaflets from flattened secondary rachis, and (2) extreme condensation of the primary rachis; pinnae few, approximate, almost "axillary" from the upper surface of a stout spine (spine --at least partially the modified petiole and primary rachis); stipules apparently modified as small lateral thorns from base of larger spine; leaf- lets of the pinna many, minute, often caducous; rachis of pinna flattened, green, eglandular. Inflorescence racemose, several-flowered, arising from the axils. Flowers moderate; calyx with a short, turbinate tube, the lobes imbricate, a few times longer than the tube; petals free, clawed, subequal; stamens 10, free, the anthers versatile and longitudinally dehiscent; ovary essentially free, straight, slender, subterete, scarcely stipitate. Legume tardily dehiscent, subterete and swollen at point of seed development, constricted and flattened between the seeds; seeds few, longitudinal.
Distribution American tropics and subtropics; Africa.
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