Annual or biennial, rarely perennial herbs, simple or sparsely branched, erect to ascending, usually hairy with short simple and branched hairs, rarely almost glabrous. Leaves usually 1-pinnatisect, petiolate, upper subsessile or sessile; lobes oblong or linear. Racemes short, ebracteate. Flowers small, yellow or dull whitish; pedicels filiform, spreading or ascending in fruit. Sepals not saccate at base. Petals about twice as long as the sepals. Stamens 6, filaments not appendaged ; anthers oblong, obtuse. Lateral nectar glands semiannular, open towards the inner side; middle glands narrowly torose, joining the laterals. Ovary narrowly pyriform or ellipsoid, 4-12-ovuled; style short with depressed capitate stigma. Fruit short. siliquae (rarely silicula type), ellipsoid to linear-oblong or narrowly oblanceolate, bilocular, dehiscent, glabrous; valves convex, or somewhat boat-shaped, obscurely veined; septum membranous, not or 1-veined; seeds few, 1-seriate, ovoid, mucilaginous when wet.
Apparently very similar to the previous genus but siliquae very short, few seeded, and petals about twice as long as the sepals.