Shruby deciduous climbers, bark peeling. Leaves simple, digitately or palmately lobed, tendrils almost at every node, mostly ending in adhesive disc, modified into the leaf opposed inflorescence, corymbiform-paniculate, flower bisexual, sometimes outer flower functionally staminate, small, usually greenish or yellowish, 5 merous. Hypenthium cupular, 5-lobed, petals 5, free, deflexed, rarely cohering at apex but persistent for sometime after anthesis. Stamens 5, inserted, disc completely adnate to the base of ovary, inconspicuous, only distinguished by colour from the ovary. Ovary tapering to form a short thick style; stigma not distinct. Berry bluish-black, 1-3 seeded. Seed usually globose, often keeled on ventral side.