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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/16/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/16/2013)
Genus Paullinia L.
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1. 365. 1753
Note TYPE: P. pinnata L.
Synonym Enourea Aubl., Hist. PI. Guiane 1: 587. 1775. TYPE: E. capreolata Aubl. = Paullinia cap- reolata (Aubl.) Radlk. Semarillaria Ruiz & Pavon, Fl. Peruv. Chil. Prodr., ed. 1. 54. 1794. LECTOTYPE: S. subrotunda Ruiz & Pavon = Paullinia subrotunda (Ruiz & Pavon) Pers. Castanella Spruce ex Benth. & Hook., Gen. PI. 1: 394. 1862. TYPE: C. granatensis Planch. & Linden ex Triana & Planch. = Paullinia granatensis (Planch. & Linden) Radlk.
Description Polygamous, tendrilled, scandent shrubs or lianas; wood simple or composite, usually with a central bundle surrounded by 3 peripheral bundles; milky sap common in stems; tendrils axillary or peduncular, forked, often bracteate at the fork, the arms coiled like a watchspring. Leaves alternate, 1-foliate, 3-, 5-, or 7-foliolate, biternate, ternate-pinnate or bipinnate; petiole and rachis often winged; leaflets membranous to coriaceous, often pellucid-punctate or -lineate, often with a network of semipellucid lactiferous canals (orange colored when observed by transmitted light), the margin usually variously toothed, the teeth often glandular; stipules often conspicuous, usually persistent. Inflorescences axillary, subterminal or at leafless nodes, usually solitary, sometimes fascicled, then at leafless nodes, basically thyrses but sometimes modified into cincinni and borne on a raceme, panicle or cyme, the cincinni subtended by bracts, the flowers with bracteoles. Flowers small, slightly zygomorphic; sepals 5 or 4 by fusion of the 2 lower sepals, imbricate, persistent, the 2 outside sepals smaller, often per- sisting in fruit; petals 4, with a complex, crested scale within, the scale consisting of an ellipsoid to rounded, petaloid, ciliate, basal part with a thickened, usually orange, variously shaped crest at the apex and a semicircular or triangular, usually densely pubescent, deflexed appendage positioned just beneath the crest on the inner surface, the anterior petal scales better developed than lateral petal scales, often coherent along their common inner margin by the entanglement of tri- chomes, the lateral petal scales with the crests reduced or absent, the basal part usually oblong, folded inward with the margins in proximity; disc annular, produced into 2 or 4 glands, usually only the anterior glands developed, these positioned beneath the anterior petals and usually protruding into the space formed by the lateral upfolded margins of the anterior petal scales and by the de- flexed appendages; stamens unequal, the anthers dehiscing laterally, the filaments often weakly basally united in staminate flowers; ovary 3-locular, sessile or short- stipitate, each cell 1-ovular, the style subulate or filiform, the stigma 3-parted, the ovules solitary, affixed below the middle of the cell. Fruits capsular, 1-3- celled, each cell 1-seeded, dehiscent into 3 valves, obovate or subglobular, sessile or stipitate, the valves septicidal, wingless, winged at the apex or winged for the total length of each cell, rarely spinose; seeds short, usually arillate with a crus- taceous testa, sometimes completely enveloped in mesocarp and apparently non- arillate; embryo usually curved.
Habit shrubs or lianas
Distribution About 194 species are known from tropical America. One species, P. pinnata, also occurs in Africa.
Note The genus is difficult to distinguish in flower from Serjania, especially the tri- foliolate and biternate-leaved species, since both genera share these leaf types. Careful observation of the ovary and immature fruits will distinguish the fruit type and thus the genus. Serjania has the ovary noticeably swollen and broader at the apex with thinner wings. Paullinia ovaries, even when the fruit will be- come markedly winged, do not appear distinctly winged in flower and they are generally elliptic or rounded in outline rather than oblong or obovate as in Ser- jania.
Key a. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate (3 leaflets borne on a petiole) or biternate (3 sets of 3 leaf- lets each borne on a petiolule). b. Leaves 3-foliolate. c. Petioles not winged; stems terete ...... 37. P. turbacensis cc. Petioles winged, at least narrowly so; stems terete or 3-sulcate. d. Stems terete usually with simple wood; inflorescences simple, unbranched, axillary in existing leaves ...... 11. P. cururu dd. Stems deeply 3-sulcate with composite wood (3 small bundles surrounding a larger one); inflorescences compound, branched, densely glomerulate, borne at old leafless stems ...... 17. P. fasciculata bb. Leaves biternate (3 sets of 3 leaflets). e. Rachis not winged or rarely narrowly winged, the wing less than 3 mm wide ...... 5. P. brenesii ee. Rachises broadly winged, the wing 3 mm wide or more. f. Stems, petioles, and rachises conspicuously hispid; flowers and fruits borne on leafless stems ...... 8. P. correae ff. Stems, petioles, and rachises not at all hispid; flowers and fruits borne in existing leaf axils. g. Capsules wingless, long-stipitate; (difficult to separate vegetatively from P. fuscescens), leaves usually lobate-crenate, rounded at the apex; flowers widely spaced on the rachis ...... 9. P. costaricensis gg. Capsules 3-winged, short-stipitate; leaves crenate, commonly acute at the apex. h. Leaves glabrous or nearly so beneath except for the barbulate vein axils; flowers clearly pedicellate, less than 3.5 mm long, nearly gla- brous; fruits nearly glabrous ...... 20a. P. fuscescens var. glabrata hh. Leaves densely pubescent beneath; flowers sessile or nearly so, 3.5-4.5 mm long, densely and conspicuously pubescent on the se- pals; fruit densely and conspicuously pubescent ...... 20b. P. fuscescens var. fuscescens aa. Leaves pinnately 5-foliolate, 7-foliolate, bipinnate or ternate-pinnate. i. Leaves merely pinnate, either 5-foliolate or 7-foliolate, leaflets not arranged in 3's at the base of the blade. j. Leaves 7-foliolate. k. Stems, petioles, and rachises conspicuously hispid; rachises winged ...... 26. P. panamensis kk. Stems, petioles, and rachises not at all hispid; rachises terete ...... 25. P. morii jj. Leaves 5-foliolate. 1. Petioles terete or at least not winged. m. Leaf rachis winged. n. Stems prominently 4-6-ribbed; inflorescences associated with the leaves. o. Inflorescences terminal; stipules ovate to suborbicular, fimbriate- dentate marginally, less than 1.5 cm long; capsules thin, not winged ...... 35. P. stipularis oo. Inflorescences axillary or on tendrils; stipules lanceolate, entire, more than 1.5 cm long; capsules thick, prominently winged ...... 3. P. baileyi nn. Stems terete; inflorescences borne at leafless nodes. p. Inflorescences of few-flowered fascicles less than 1 cm long; fruits almost round in outline, as broad as or broader than long ...... 8. P. correae pp. Inflorescence with slender, many-flowered branches more than 4 cm long; fruits obovoid in outline, longer than broad ...... 13. P. dodgei mm. Leaf rachis not winged. q. Young stems, petioles, rachis and midrib of the blades densely red- dish brown hirtellous-tomentose or shortly tomentose. r. Pubescence of stems and petioles conspicuously erect, easily vis- ible to the naked eye; lower midrib, veins and surface hirtellous to pilose with erect pubescence; leaflets commonly ovate. s. Stipules suborbicular, deeply lacerate, more than 10 mm wide; leaflets commonly more than 15 cm long; plants common ...... 30. P. rugosa ss. Stipules lanceolate, entire, less than 5 mm wide; leaflets less than 15 cm long; plants rare ...... 12. P. dasystachya rr. Pubescence of stems and petioles not conspicuously erect, often appressed, very short and not easily visible to the naked eye; lower midrib and veins minutely strigose, the surface mostly glabrous; leaflets mostly oblong-elliptic or obovate-elliptic ...... 16. P. faginea qq. Stems, petioles, rachis and midrib of the variously pubescent or glabrate not densely reddish brown hirtellous-tomentose nor shortly tomentose. t. Outer sepals densely tomentose or strigose throughout; fruits not winged; (sepals unknown in P. dukei). u. Fruits acuminate-mammillate at the apex, with 3 ridges in- dicating lines of dehiscence, prominently stipitate, the stipe 3-6 mm long; seeds black, shiny, enveloped to about midway by a white aril; inner surface of fruit densely woolly-tomen- tose and the surface not at all visible ...... 10. P. costata uu. Fruits rounded at the apex, sometimes with a small, slender style base persisting, lacking ridges or 6-sulcate, sessile or with the stipe less than 3 mm long; seeds not shiny or black, enveloped in a fleshy mesoderm, not arillate at the base; in- ner surface of the fruit either glabrous or sparsely and loosely pubescent and the surface easily visible. v. Leaflets glabrous; fruits subglobose, 6-sulcate with a small persistent style base, shortly stipitate, reportedly dull yellow ...... 27. P. pilonensis vv. Leaflets puberulent on the midrib; fruits obovoid, smooth, lacking a persistent style base, sessile, reportedly "brown maroon" (probably violet purple) ...... 14. P. dukei tt. Outer sepals sparsely appressed or spreading-pubescent to gla- brous, not densely strigose or tomentose; fruits winged or not. w. Inflorescences borne at leafless nodes, branched from near the base (thus almost appearing fasciculate), the branches long and slender, more than 6 cm long; flowers with scale crests simple, long and slender; fruits not winged ...... 36. P. tenuifolia ww. Inflorescences usually borne at leafy nodes, the thyrses ei- ther solitary and unbranched or, if rarely fasciculate, then the branches short, less than 3 cm long; flowers with scale crests short, obovate, emarginate to rounded at the apex; fruits winged or not. x. Fruits not winged ...... 14. P. dukei xx. Fruits winged (fruits of P. allenii are assumed to be winged because of its close affinity with P. subnuda and P. pterocarpa). y. Stipules oblong, blunt at the apex, conspicuously villous marginally, densely pubescent on the inner surface, soon deciduous; inflorescences to 12 cm long; flowers to ca. 5-6 mm long ...... 2. P. allenii yy. Stipules lanceolate-linear, almost glabrous, persis- tent; inflorescences apparently always much shorter than 12 cm; flowers to ca. 4 mm long ...... 29. P. pterocarpa 11. Petioles winged (sometimes narrowly so in P. eliasii). z. Inflorescences glomerulate or fasciculate, often at leafless nodes, the thyrses not solitary except perhaps in fruit after other parts have fallen; stems prominently 3-ribbed. A. Inflorescences densely glomerulate, the thyrses less than 2 cm long, branched; wood composite, consisting of a central bundle surrounded by 3 smaller bundles. B. Inflorescence branches and pedicels conspicuously erect-pubes- cent; crest of anterior scales cordate-bifid; leaf rachis with wings to ca. 1 cm wide ...... 1. P. alata BB. Inflorescence branches and pedicels glabrate to inconspicuously appressed-puberulent; crest of anterior scales obovate; leaf rachis with wings ca. 5 mm wide ...... 17. P. fasciculata AA. Inflorescence sparsely fasciculate, the thyrses to 6 cm or more long, unbranched; wood simple, deeply divided but not of separate bundles (sometimes splitting apart on drying and appearing to be 3 separate bundles) ...... 15. P. eliasii zz. Inflorescences spicate, solitary in the leaf axils; stems variously ribbed or terete. C. Stems terete; fruits usually nearly globose, mammillate, prominently stipitate, the stipe slender, 3-7 mm long ...... 18. P. fibrigera CC. Stems prominently 3-6-ribbed; fruits ellipsoid to obovoid or clavate, or if globose, not at all stipitate. D. Bracteoles of the inflorescence narrowly triangular to ovate- triangular; stipules frequently more than 1.5 cm long. E. Axils of the lateral veins not barbulate on the lower sur- face; stipules more than 4 mm wide near the base; fruits more than 1.5 cm diam. ...... 4. P. bracteosa EE. Axils of the lateral veins barbulate on the lower surface; stipules less than 4 mm wide; fruits less than 1.5 cm wide ...... 32a. P. sessiliflora var. angustirachis DD. Bracteoles of the inflorescence lanceolate or lanceolate-linear; stipules usually less than 1.5 cm long or soon deciduous. F. Fruits globose, sessile, glabrous; leaves often entire, gla- brous except for the barbulate vein axils; wood simple ...... 6. P. bristanii FF. Fruits clavate to obovoid, somewhat to greatly stipitate, pubescent or glabrous; leaves usually toothed; wood com- posite, the central core surrounded by 3 small peripheral cores. G. Sepals less than 3 mm long, finely and sparsely ap- pressed-pubescent in flower and fruit, glabrate and thin when persisting in fruit; fruits long-stipitate, the stipe often more than 4 mm long; leaves somewhat thickened; plants common ...... 28. P. pinnata GG. Sepals to 5 mm long, coarsely and densely appressed- pubescent in fruit (flowers not known), thick when persisting in fruit; fruits short-stipitate, the stipe often less than 4 mm long; leaves thin; plants rare ...... 33. P. sternii ii Leaves bipinnate or ternate-pinnate, the leaflets in sets of 3 at the base of the blade. H. Inflorescences not densely fasciculate, not short and finely branched, usually more than 2 cm long. I. Rachis not winged, terete; bracteoles conspicuous, ovate-triangular, more than 5 mm long; stems terete; wood simple ...... 22. P. grandifolia II. Rachises winged; bracteoles inconspicuous, lanceolate, less than 3 mm long; stems weakly to strongly sulcate; wood simple or composite. J. Wood composite with 1 central and 3 peripheral bundles; leaflets mod- erately thick, drying brownish on the lower surface, densely brown- glandular over the surface; crest of scale probably obovate-emarginate, much shorter than the petals ...... 34. P. stipitata JJ. Wood simple; leaflets thin, drying green, eglandular; crest of scale linear, about as long as the petals ...... 7. P. buricana HH. Inflorescences densely fasciculate and/or short and finely branched, less than 2 cm long. K. Stems terete or only weakly ribbed, not prominently 3-sided or 3-ribbed; wood simple.L. Lateral veins numerous, arising at about 90' from the mid- rib; reticulate venation prominulous on both surfaces ...... 23. P. kallunkii LL. Lateral veins few, at least those near the base ascending at ca. 450 from the midrib; reticulate venation prominulous or not on both surfaces. M. Stems and petioles conspicuously yellowish-hispid ...... 8. P. correae MM. Stems and petioles not at all hispid, mostly glabrous. N. Leaflets with vein axils barbulate beneath with dense tufts of trichomes; flowers usually at leaf- less nodes distant from the leaves; fruits more than 2.5 cm wide ...... 31. P. serjaniaefolia NN. Leaflets with vein axils not barbulate beneath; flowers often in close association with the leaves; fruits less than 1.5 cm wide ...... 21. P. glomerulosa KK. Stems prominently 3-5-ribbed; wood often composite. 0. Inflorescences not fasciculate and not appearing so, usually a single, short, widely branched thyrse, the pedicels much shorter than the floral rachis; pubescence of petioles con- spicuous, erect, more than 1 mm long ...... 19. P. funicularis 00. Inflorescences densely fasiculate or so short as to appear so, usually of numerous shortly branched thyrses, the pedicels as long as or longer than the floral rachis; pubescence of petioles lacking or not conspicuous, erect and usually less than 0.5 mm long. P. Fruits less than 1.5 cm wide, densely pubescent, promi- nently long-stipitate; flowers and fruits usually borne with or near leafy parts of the stem ...... 24. P. mallophylla PP. Fruits more than 2.5 cm wide, glabrous or nearly so, ses- sile; flowers and fruits borne well below the leaves ...... 31. P. serjaniaefolia
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