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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/15/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/15/2013)
Genus CASTILLEJA Mutis ex L.f.
Contributor NOEL H. HOLMGREN
PlaceOfPublication Suppl. PI. 47, 293. 1781.
Note TYPE: C. fissifolia L.f.
Description Perennial or annual herb, often becoming shrubby in warm regions, hemi- parasitic. Leaves alternate, sessile, entire or pinnately lobed, cauline. Inflores- cence a short or elongate spike or raceme; bracts often leaflike at the base of the inflorescence, gradually differentiating upward, often more conspicuously colored than the flowers. Flowers conspicuous to inconspicuous, mostly concealed behind the bracts; calyx tubular, equally or unequally cleft into 4 segments, usually partially united into 2 lateral primary lobes or the primary lobes entire by coniplete fusion of the lateral clefts, somewhat accrescent in fruit; corolla greenish or the exserted parts often colored, tubular, elongate and narrow, bilabiate, the upper lip galeate (hooded), beaklike, the lobes united to the tip and enclosing the anthers, the lower lip somewhat 3-saccate with 3 more or less rudimentary teeth or sometimes 3 petaloid lobes nearly equalling the galea in length, external to the upper lip in bud; stamens 4, didynamous, attached near or above the middle of the corolla tube, the 2 anther-sacs unequally placed, the outer longer and attached by its middle, the inner smaller and suspended from its apex; stigma united and capitate, or sometimes slightly 2-lobed. Fruit a loculicidal capsule, more or less asymmetrical, ovate to globose; seeds numerous, the loose testa alveolately reticulate. x = 12.
Habit herb
Distribution Castilleja includes about 200 species. They occur chiefly in western North America, but are represented in eastern North America with 3 species, northern Asia with about 5. Central America with about 8, and Andean South America with about 5.
Note The major taxonomic distinctions are in the flowers. Named in honor of Domingo Castillejo, a botanist of Cadiz, Spain.
Reference Pennell, F. W. 1940. Scrophulariaceae in R. E. Woodson, Jr. & R. W. Schery, Contributions toward a flora of Panama. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 338-341.
Key a. Inflorescence spicate with small, crowded flowers; calyx subequally cleft both front and rear; plants annuals ...... 1. C. arvensis aa. Inflorescence racemose and secund with conspicuous flowers; calyx much more deeply cleft in front than in back; plants perennials ...... 2. C. quirosii
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