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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/24/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/24/2013)
Genus ABRUS L.
Contributor W. G. D'Arcy
PlaceOfPublication Nat., ed. 12. 2: 472. 1767.
Note TYPE: A. precatorius L.
Description Mostly twining vines, seldom shrubby. Leaves even pinnate; leaflets mostly numerous, mucronate; rachis grooved, mucronate; stipels minute; stipules per- sistent. Inflorescences axillary or lateral pseudoracemes, terminating leafy or leafless branches, with 1-several sessile flowers at a node; bracts and bracteoles often caducous. Flowers with the calyx campanulate, lobed or short toothed; standard apically notched and with a short claw, the wing petals shorter than the keel petals; stamens 9, monadelphous, the staminal tube adnate to the standard; style curved, glabrate. Legume oblong to linear, much compressed or not, the valves pubescent, often becoming indurated, septate, the short slender beak downturned; seeds ovoid, sometimes compressed, arillate, sometimes with an annulus around the hilum.
Habit vines
Note This genus resembles members of the Phaseoleae in its many leaflets which are borne equal pinnately. The 9 stamens with united filaments are distinctive, as is the lack of a terminal leaflet. The genus is circumtropical and, according to circumscription, includes 4-24 species. Only 2 of these species occur in the New World.
Reference Breteler, F. J. 1960. Revision of Abrus Adanson (PAP.) with special reference to Africa. Blumea 10: 607-624. Verdcourt, B. 1970. Studies in the Leguminosae-Papilionoideae for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa': 11. Kew Bull. 24: 235-307.
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